Tournament...where I finish

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The day of the tournament


Sasuke's pov

I woke up on my bed holding the most cutest yet anoyying thing in the world. Yes I did make him stay for two days. I couldn't help it he turns me on....sadly we didn't do it yet.


I looked down and saw Naruto rubbing his eyes and looking up.

"Oh did I wake you?"

"No, but hey you should be getting ready!"

Naruto shrilled making me confused as hell. Then I remembered...SHIT THE FUCKING TOURNAMENT!"

"Right okay...well how about you go downstairs and help Karin with breakfast and I'll get ready. We'll rush you home and you can get fresh clothes. Also we will pick up that mutt Kiba."

Naruto giggled at the last part and then got up....without kissing me! I ran up to him before he twisted the door knob.

"Oi dobe you forgot something." I whispered in his ear so that he does that cute thing where he shakes.

"Uuuhhhh...g-good morning!" Naruto was blushing really bad and then looked up to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned up a bit. We kissed for a good two seconds before the idiot got shy and ran downstairs. So fucking cute...

3rd pov

Four of them sat and ate breakfast. Suigetsu came down dressed all fancy and rich. The blond was mind blown of how handsome he looked.

"Suigetsu are you heading somewhere important?" Naruto exclaimed.

"Oh I thought you knew. I do modeling for magazines and stuff that involves pictures!" Suigetsu said very proud of himself. Naruto gasped and was amazed by Suigetsu's success. Sasuke rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast.

"Yeah and I do fashion design! Well more like I'm an intern." Karin said nervously. Naruto expected that from her since she dressed very nice everyday.

"And I'm studying to become a veterinarian." Jūgo explained. Naruto was in full amaze about how all of them were big successes. All he wanted to do was to finish school and start traveling.

They all finished breakfast and went there separate ways. Sasuke led Naruto out to his car. Naruto frowned and sighed.

"Hn something wrong dobe?" Sasuke turned around.

"No its just...You're such a big success and I'm just...well me." Naruto looked down. Sasuke held his chin up and kissed his forehead. Naruto looked up blushing.

"Yeah you are. Why do you think I like you. You're adorable, talented, and a dobe. You're someone I need in my life okay idiot. And don't worry I'm sure you'll be a success as well." Naruto was so shocked to hear these words of encouragement from Sasuke. The blond smiled softly and hugged him.

"I love you." Naruto whispered. Sasuke blushed and smiled a bit bigger than usual.

"I love you too dobe." Sasuke hugged back."

Kiba's pov

I woke up to Sasuke dragging me out of my bed and grabbing my clothes. Naruto gave me breakfast and my socks and shoes. I didn't say anything until Sasuke started packing my drums and amps.

"OI WHATS GOING ON!?" Sasuke looked at me like I'm an idiot.

"Are you really that stupid? Today is the tournament. Get your lazy ass up and start eating." He scolded. Shit I forgot that it was today.

Once I was ready and full we headed out to Sasuke's car and we made our way to the school.

3rd pov
The school yard

Back stage

Kiba and Neji were checking speakers and future problems with equipment. Naruto helped Shikamaru with lunch right after their performance. While Sasuke was tuning his own equipment. Naruto and Shikamaru were in the food room preparing fruit. Naruto looked over to the genius who was really quiet the whole time.

"So...Shikamaru has Temari forgiven you?" Naruto asked. Shikamaru made a sad face before turning over.

"Tch why should I care. She's a grown woman and I'm a simple guy. I dont need her forgiveness." Shikamaru said harshly.

"...I think you need to apologize to Kiba. I mean I could tell you're having trouble standing with him. I know that you are comfortable with him so he would be more than happy to accept." Naruto suggested.

"...Can you go get the rest of the watermelons." Was all the ponytailed boy said. Naruto nodded and walked out.

Shikamaru's pov

...I want to say wasn't his fault at all. Its mine...I started that conversation about Kiba and told Gaara about Kiba's past.

I chopped the orange slices too fast to the point were I cutted myself. Shit I was so deep in thought I wasn't watching what I was doing. I turned around to the first aid kit and...

3rd pov

Kiba and Shikamaru stood in their spots shocked that the other one was in the room. Kiba saw that Shikamaru had cut himself.

"You should put a bandage on's the watermelon." Kiba said.

"Hn." Shikamaru said awkward.

Once Kiba put the box down they both stood in place again.

"So!" They both said at the same time.



Kiba finally rubbed the back of his neck .

"Well...I guess I'll be showing myself out. Uh but play hard okay. Since this is my last show with you guys." With that Kiba walked half way out before Shikamaru spoke out.

"WAIT!...I-I....I'm so sorry Kiba." Shikamaru quietly said.

Kiba looked stunned at Shikamaru's words.

"You are?"

" was all my fault I should've never exposed you like that. I deserved to be dumped like that." Shikamaru rubbed his head.

"...I'm sorry too...I also stepped out of place and called Temari a cougar and everything." Kiba said with guilt. Shikamaru smiled and laughed a bit.

"So does this mean were friends again?" Shikamaru said. Kiba frowned then smiled.

"Yeah heh the bestest bestfriends!" Kiba yelled before running up to Shikamaru hugging him. Shikamaru blushed a bit and was glad that he had his friend back. He hugged him and smiled.

"Well I guess for my punishment I'll help you get Temari back..." Kiba said with his arm on Shikamaru's shoulder.

"Heh really? Well do you want help with Gaara?" Shikamaru asked.

"...No after all that I think I'm low of his expectations of me." The two boys laughed and walked out.

"By the way you're still a lazy ass."

"Heh and you're still a mutt!"

Thanks for reading

If you're thinking that shikamaru and kiba are getting together. No they are not. I just wanted them to be like bestfriends in the real show so hehe!!!
But in a weird way they would look cute🤫🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Bye bye~~

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