Why do I have to apologize?

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3rd pov

Naruto sat with Ino and Sakura this time since he knew he caused enough for Sasuke. He ate his usual and sat quiet while Ino was talking with Sakura about boys and stuff.

"Oi whats up." Kiba walked up to the group.

"Ki-kiba-kun!" Both the girls were surprised by the sudden visitor.

"Oh...Kiba whats up?" Naruto looked up to the tanned boy.

"Lets go for a walk...I need your opinion on something..." Kiba then turned around. Naruto noticed that Kiba wasn't his usual self and that it was serious.

"Okay then. Well I'll leave first bye!" Naruto turned to the girls before walking away.

"Kinda forgot that he's buddy buddy with them." Sakura said with a bit of envy. Ino chuckled and changed the subject.

Outside the school

"So what do you want my opinion on?" Naruto asked while looking up to the now grey skies.

"...well lets say you were dating this really amazing guy. Thats smart and an amazing kisser." Kiba looked to the ground with a faint blush on his cheeks. Naruto was puzzled by Kiba.

"And you find out that someone you really trust and feel comfortable around...is dating their sister or brother...how would you feel?" Kiba stopped behind the school and sat down on the cement walkway.

"Well...if I'm comfortable around with that person I wouldn't mind it plus its not really my business. If they're in love then I would be happy for them." Naruto stood in front of Kiba looking down to him.

"Okay then what about this scenario...Your friend that you trust. What if they were to walk up to you and tell you to break up with your lover. Just because it will ruin the relationship with the sister of your lover with them?" Kiba put his head on his knees while his arms supported his legs.

"Then I would be mad at that person and keep dating my lover no matter what." Naruto crossed his arms not knowing whats going on.

"Okay third and final scenario...what if the four of you went out to dinner and you did something that upsetted the sister. The sister then starts yelling at your lover about how selfish and slutty you are. The friend then starts to defend you and causes them to break up. Next thing you try to talk to you friend but slaps you instead....after school you and the friend get into an argument...CAUSING YOU TO QUIT THE BAND AND NOW YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO AND-"


Kiba looked up with tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. Naruto kneeled to the ground and put his hand on top of the sad drummer.

"...who did you fight with?" Naruto asked in a soft warm voice.

"...Shikamaru hates me...I'm the cause of his break up with Temari...Gaara said he needed time to think...I quitted the band out of anger too." Kiba whispered but enough for the blond to hear.

"So all those scenarios you told me is what happened to you and shikamaru huh...and your asking me what would I do?" Naruto asked but all he got from Kiba was a small nod.

"Well...I think you should apologize." Naruto stood up. Kiba was then shocked at his response.

"WAIT WH-WHY DO I HAVE TO APOLOGIZE!?" Kiba whined at Naruto.

"You broke Shikamaru's heart. I think you should apologize for that. But...he has to also apologize. He asked you to break up with Gaara? That's pretty selfish if you ask me." Naruto looked at Kiba who was stunned by the whiskered blond.

"Look Kiba my advice for you is to be the bigger person and apologize first. Sure it will hurt your pride but you said it yourself...Shikamaru is someone you're comfortable with. Let me ask you some questions now." Naruto helped Kiba up.

"...The reason why you bother Shikamaru is because you wanna be close to him right?" Naruto looked at Kiba who was wide eyed not saying a word.

"You feel awful that you did that but are you happy that you basically won that fight? "


"Are you jealous of him?"


"Okay...would you rather hurt your pride for him and apologize. Or would you rather leave and go into hiding away from him. Losing your friends and drumming position?"

Kiba stood in shock not saying anything back to the blond. Then it started to rain...

"You don't have to answer but think about my questions. Especially my last one. Lets head inside we will get sick if we stay out here." Naruto then walked back to the front with a stumped puppy following him.

During the same time...

Sasuke walked up to Shikamaru who was sleeping in a bad position in the corner of the piano room.

"Oi Nara! Wake up!" Sasuke hit the sleepy bassist on the shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Tch what a drag, what do you want Sasuke?" Shikamaru lazily said. He had red puffy eyes from crying.

"What happened between you and Kiba?" Sasuke sat down beside him and sighed.

"Heh since when do you care for others problems." Shikamaru scoffed.

"I dont but this is also my problem now since I may have to find a new drummer to replace the one you chased away." Sasuke said a bit harsh.

"...He was dating my girlfriend's brother...you know the 2nd year in student council Gaara. Well I sorta told Kiba to break up with him before Temari found out who he was and he refused. Then out of bad luck we ended up going on a double date and Temari...well found out about who Kiba was and so she asked. I guess he was insulted by how she described him and he started talking back and blah blah blah we broke up." Shikamaru laid his head to the wall trying to close his eyes.

"I see...you were being selfish." Sasuke was about to say more but Shikamaru cutted him off.

"No Im not Selfish so wh-"

"Yes you are...but in a way you were trying to protect Kiba and Temari were you..." Sasuke side glanced at the bassist who was quite and surprised.

"Look be a man and just go apologize I'm sure after that Kiba will open up and would want to be back in the band." Sasuke stood up grabbing his backpack.

"Also after that you need to give out a speech of apology to me and Neji. We where dragged into your guys mess." With that Sasuke left.

"Tch who does he think he is demanding me to do all that? What a drag." Shikamaru said to himself before laying back down in the corner.

Sasuke's pov

I walked down the now empty halls alone. I was running late and that isn't very Uchiha like for me to do that. But that asshole needed to hear that and he better be on his hands and knees praising me soon. Also I need to set things straight with Naruto. I need to tell him that I wasn't jealous! I walked passed my locker almost to class when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned to see the person I hated the most.

"Hey asshole you got a minute? I have something to discuss with you...its about Naruto and I."

Sai!...tch what does this bastard have to say to me. I bet he's gonna rub his knowledge about Naruto in my face!

"Hn whatever it is I'm sure you will regret telling me."

"No actually...its about why I broke up with Naruto...you see he was the one I truly hurt badly."


Thanks for reading

Bye bye♡♡

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