where we go from here my love..

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The next day...

3rd pov

"Oi Shika-bro you forgot you're laptop."

"Oh thank you Kiba."

Kiba gave Shikamaru his laptop and continued to clean out their school lockers. Their fans were really sad that they were leaving so soon. Neji and Sasuke have already finished so they went to give out gift baskets to the people that made it in music. It was Neji's idea of course, besides all Sasuke wanted to do was see the blond that was late for school.

"So you gonna miss this place?" Shikamaru asked Kiba.

"Eh yeah kind of. But I definitely will miss Naruto." Kiba said with a smile. Shikamaru smiled as well.

"So you gonna miss Temari? Did you get back with her yet?" Kiba asked. Shikamaru looked at him and sighed.

"Sigh* yeah I'm gonna miss her...but that doesn't mean were together." The ponytail guy looked over to his friend who was shocked.

"WAIT YOU DIDN'T GET BACK WITH HER! BUT I TOLD HER SORRY AND I WAS WRONG JUST SO YOU CAN GET BACK TOGETHER!" Kiba yelled. Shikamaru covered the tanned boys mouth and whispered.

"Shut up! And yeah I'm not with her....besides....I like someone else...someone that I should've looked at a long time ago." Shikamaru shrugged then smile softly. Kiba grinned and pulled the paler of the two in and whispered.

"Hehe what kind of girl is she!" Kiba asked very interested.

"Tch lets just say she's annoying...and loud but she's the best." Shikamaru sighed.

"Huh? Damn you have bad taste. Who is she? Do I know her?" Kiba asked confused. Shikamaru closed the now empty locker and grabbed his bag.

"You idiot. Lets just say that you won't miss her when you see her." Shikamaru then lazily stumbled to the music room.

"Huh? Once I see her....I won't miss her? OI SHIKA YOU DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE! OI COME BACK HERE!"

School's gates

Naruto stopped and panted from running all the way here. His car broke down this morning causing him to miss half the day. He then starting walking when he caught his breath.

Suddenly somebody stopped him in his tracks.

"...Naruto..." Naruto looked up to see the pinkett looking at him very serious.

"S-sakura-chan..." the blond stuttered.

"Listen I'm gonna make this quick....Naruto you are now my rival for life. I met Sasuke first, even though I was right there....he still wouldn't look at me! I tried getting his attention in music but all he saw was you. Thats why...Im gonna graduate and become famous as well! I'll start my own band too or even act I dont care! As long as I get his attention!" Sakura started tearing up as she walked away.

Naruto looked down then spoke.

"...I guess...may the best musician win..." Naruto said sadly. Sakura turned around and frowned.

"I plan to..."

Music room

Sasuke and Neji just finished with the gifts and decided to have a rest in the back. Neji was texting ten ten while Sasuke was anxiously looking out of the window. Neji glanced over and smiled.

"So you sad that we have to leave?" Neji said.

"Hn no not one bit." Sasuke kept his view on the window. Neji clicked his tongue.

"Oh cool...hmm I wonder what college or university Naruto is going to. I mean he will probably wanna travel around and meet new people." Neji let his funny side come out by teasing his bandmate. Sasuke was raging in the inside but kept calm on the out.

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