His explanation?

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Music room

Sasuke's pov

"Oi Sasuke you gonna get the snacks this time for band practice?" I looked up to see Neji asking me.


Damn all I want right now is to be with Naruto at his house. Then again I could skip band practice...nah I won't hear the end of it from Kiba and Neji. I hope Shikamaru isn't blabbering to these guys about my relationship with Naruto. As I thought about my lover I didn't realize I walked in front of the piano room.

"Wow Naruto your gonna play! I thought you only played piano for Sai? When you guys broke up you said you would never play piano anymore?"

What?! He only plays for that bastard! Tch how come Naruto never told me this! Wait does that mean he still loves Sai? And on top of that...I forced him in recommendations for music. I forced him to play piano again. As I paced around thinking about my dobe with that smiling bastard I heard the door opening. I ran into the room next door and hid.

"Well Sai did love you a lot Naruto-kun! I wonder...will you ever get back with him?"

"Hehe don't worry about it Sakura-chan I think I'm good staying single."


After band practice


"Tch whatever Kiba you were trying to do a drum solo!"

"Hehe yeah so what lazy bones!"

Shikamaru and kiba always yell at each other. They seem so buddy buddy here but right after band practice they don't talk at all. Hell I barely talk or hang out with any of these guys like before we became famous. Neji has his girlfriend to worry about and so does Shikamaru. I'm not complaining or anything but sometimes we just feel...fake.

I packed up and left the building where we practice. Once I made it to Naruto's I quickly knocked. I wanted to know why the hell he only played for that goon.



I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I started apologizing about how I forced everything on him. He started telling me I didnt do anything and pulled me to the couch. Then I asked if he...still loved Sai.

"Do...you still love sai?"

It went silent for a moment.



"Oi whats so funny dobe?"

"Hehe...sasuke let me explain some things. Firstly No I don't love Sai. Secondly stop calling me dobe!"

...I'm so confused now. I put on my usual famous Uchiha face on and arched my eyebrow.

"...I guess since you're my boyfriend you deserve to know why.

My dobe then snuggled up to me and hugged me. He was so darn cute that of course I hugged back but I was a little anxious about his reason.

"Okay where should I start..."

3rd pov

Naruto then started talking...

"When I was 5 years old my mother wanted me to play piano and one day become famous. My father then enrolled me into a music school to learn piano. I became really interested with show business at that time and enjoyed myself...but then." Naruto froze before continuing.

"When I was six my parents died in a car accident. They were on there way to my piano recital. Once I won first place they pulled me aside and told me what had happened. After there funeral I decided to stop playing piano. I was adopted soon later. When I reached middle-school, high-school times I met Sai. He also was parentless but had an adopted father." Naruto then grabbed some water to wet his tongue a bit. And stared again.

"He quickly became part of our group and my best-friend...he used to invite me over to his house a lot...


"Oi Sai do you like Ino or Sakura-chan?"

"No I don't...actually...I don't like anybody. Except you Naruto but I don't mind the girls."

"Oh heh."

"...Naruto do you like music?"

"Huh...oh uhh I guess I don't mind it."

Sai pulled out his phone and showed Naruto a video of him when he was younger playing the piano.


"...I was there when you played...I wanna hear you again."

Naruto was then pulled by the black haired boy down the hall to his living room.

"Naruto I loved your playing when I was a kid. You inspired me to keep smiling even though things didn't go well. Please will you play for me."

"Sai you know I can't..."

"Please Naruto I know why you can't but please play! I felt what you felt...I felt your pain."

With that naruto started to play...

(Btw every time I put piano songs on imagine how the characters are feeling and how Naruto's  playing.)

Naruto finished the song and Sai was quiet.


Sai looked up to Naruto smiling and in tears.

"Thanks Naruto-kun..."

Naruto stopped almost feeling like crying. But he looked up to Sasuke and kept going.

"Then one day he confessed...at first I didn't believe him but he did. At the start of middle school we started dating. That day at the tournament after I met you and left suddenly...was the day before we broke up..." Sasuke was wide eyed at Naruto's last sentence.

"Why did you break up with that goon?" Sasuke asked with a bit of jealously in his voice.

"Oh well...Nah its all in the past now! Besides I'm dating you teme so don't be going around jealous okay!" Naruto teased Sasuke who blushed in embarrassment.

"Tch you wish! Us Uchiha don't get jealous!" Sasuke snickered. Naruto just laughed and got on top of Sasuke onto his laps.

"Good! I am happy that you're not letting this get into your head." Naruto smiled if only he knew what Sasuke was thinking.

"Tch but when Sakura said if you would ever get together with him again you didn't deny it? Also she said you only played for that pale bastard?" Naruto looked at Sasuke fully embarrassed that the raven was spying on him.

"Y-Yeah but after that I said I'm gonna play for myself! And I also said I wanna stay 'single' for now!!!" Naruto stuttered. Sasuke was relieved that Naruto explained everything to him.

"Heh good grief dobe. I'm glad you're not into that smiling bastard."

"Oi don't call him that he's not a bastard unlike you TEME!"

"Tch so now your gonna defend him DOBE?!"


thanks for reading

Bye bye°°

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