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Franky's POV

Boris doesn't move and neither does Paul. My feet move before I'm able to clear my mind. "Paul, just go," I move around Boris and push Paul back.

"Fran, I-" he starts but looks over my shoulder and whitens even more. I fear he might faint. "Franky," he corrects himself, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"What the fuck did he say to you?" Boris asks me.

I turn to him, "Baba," I remind him.

"I want him away from my son," he snarls, and I nod just to get him to leave. And he does. I close the door to talk to Paul in the hall, alone.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. "Aren't you scared I might pull you under his shadow along with me?" I arch a brow at him.

"You're leaving him with Boris J?" Color is slowly returning to his face.

"He's his father," I remind him for the millionth time this year.

He scoffs. "He's going to hurt you again and now you're gonna let him hurt your son too."

I slap him. "Asshole! Get the hell out of here!" I shove my hands in his chest, pushing him as hard as I can. He almost falls back.

"You're not stupid, Franky, so stop acting like it." His light eyes and tone judge me.

"Leave and never come back or next time, Boris will stay," I warn him, hating that I have to use Boris like this. Boris would be proud though.

Boris and Baba are on the couch when I step back inside. Boris jumps up, "are you ok? I-we heard shouting."

"Can you get him dressed?"

"Yeah, of-"

"Thanks," I mutter then dash to the bathroom.

Boris' POV

I'm frozen for a moment then Baba snatches my finger with his tiny hand. I look down at him to kill my murderous thoughts. "Yeah, come on," I pick him up and walk down the hall.

"Please tell me mommy already has your clothes arranged."

He shakes his head.

"Great," I groan, sarcastically. "Let's hope she sticks with basic colors. Hey, does Paul come around a lot?" I know I shouldn't ask him but I can't help it, Franky's not gonna answer me.

He nods. "Mummy says Paul's not you."

"Not me? As in daddy?"

He nods again.

I knew Franky was telling the truth but it feels completely different when he says it. He knew me before we actually told him.

Baba helps me pick his clothes, took us ten minutes but we found something. Franky joined us with a false smile. She's wearing a black shirt and jean shorts, her figure looks perfect. Holy shit...

If it wasn't for Baba, I would've never taken my eyes off her. I knew this was going to be hard but not unfair.


Baba is exactly like me and that scares the shit out of me. He doesn't talk much when others are around. Franky started every conversation while we eat and I've never been more grateful. But I can't shake the feeling of being a stranger to my own son.

When the check came, Franky didn't give much of a choice. We paid for ourselves then splits Baba's part.

I wait patiently as Franky puts Baba in his car seat. "Ok," she sighs, stepping out of the car. She gasps when she bumps into me.

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