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Baba's breathing is loud and steady, I almost forgot to breathe. I most definitely forgot how to move, it's been ten minutes since I lied in bed and I haven't moved.

The sound of a door opening causes me to move again. I'm at my door in a split second and open it.

I swallow hard when I see her, she's wearing my shirt and shorts. I had left some clothes for her in here but I haven't seen her in my clothes for so long, they're huge on her.

Franky's POV

"Sorry, I was up," I smile at him.

"Me too," his voice is dry.

"Mind if I get a drink? I don't get much time to myself-only a glass," I rush out.

"Yeah, I'll show you where it is."

I follow him down to the kitchen, wishing I wasn't wearing his clothes. Boris grabs a bottle of red wine from the fridge then two glasses. "This ok?" He asks me, reading my expression.

"Um...sure." One glass is nothing to Boris' large figure. I pick with my fingernails as he pours my drink. I thank him then snatch my drink and head for the stairs.

"Hey," Boris says, and I stop and face him. "That's it?"

"Yes, Boris, it is."

"Well, it's not for me. Can we talk?"

"Sure." I take a big sip of my wine. We move to the living room and sit on the couch. I bring my knee up and turn my body to face him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Have you thought about moving closer?"

"I have..." I take a sip of my drink "...I'm still thinking about it," I sort of lie. I thought about another proposal and left it at that, I never thought about his offer.

"Ok-" he cracks his neck "-how's work?" He asks awkwardly.

"Um," I chuckle, "I'm only working part-time, Lincoln's helping me cover the rest of whatever I need."

His jaw tightens. "You let Lincoln take care of you but not me?" His voice is calmer than I expected, it's frightening.

"It's not like-"

"How is it different?" He quietly snaps.

"He wasn't trying to dictate the rest of my life and by then it wasn't just me anymore-and before you ask, the money I took from Lincoln, I only spent on myself, not Baba." I chug down the rest of my drink.

"I'm sorry but you can't expect this to be easy on me," his soft tone makes me shiver. "When I thought I was protecting you, I lost the two best things that ever happened to me."

The best thing that ever happened to him? I shudder at his words as they unravel me.

He puts his glass on the coffee table then rubs the back of his neck before continuing, "and now I can't even have you and Baba the way I want."

"Boris," I cup his face, netting his sorrow eyes, "you have me."

"I want another chance, Franky," he whispers then leans in. My breathing catches in my throat when his nose touches mine. I close my eyes and wait for his lips. "I missed you, Franky and I've spent the last four years worrying about you," his warm breath fans my lips.

I gulp which causes him to chuckle. "I can't do this without knowing I can hold you and kiss you the next morning."

"Me too," I finally speak, my throat dry.

"Franky," he moans, pushing my hair back.

His snail-like movements torture me as he leans in. His lips touch mine but barely move. What's wrong? He kisses me yesterday like there's no tomorrow so what's wrong now?

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