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A few days later....

I'm pregnant. I took four tests, all positive. I still haven't told Oscar, I don't know how. I'm so cheerful and thrilled all the time and its starting to freak Oscar out.

And it turns out you can get pregnant on the pill. I hadn't done my reach before but I did now. Missing a day can put you at risk of getting pregnant, which I did. I missed a day. And not taking the pills at the same time every day is a risk too.

I had spent twenty minutes in the mirror yesterday afternoon just staring at my stomach. I'm terrified of telling Oscar yet I can't see anything negative about it. He'll be a great father, I see it in him already with Baba.

I'm going to tell him today. Rosalee went on another family trip and I can ask Penelope to watch Baba for the night.

"Was that Penelope?" Oscar startles me when I hang up the phone. "Sorry," he chuckles, hugging me from behind.

"It's ok," I throw my head back and he kisses my cheek. "I asked her to watch Baba for a few hours. She's coming to get him right now."


"You'll see," I turn around in his arms and peck his lips. "I..."

It dawned on me that we've never said I love you. But I do love him. I love Oscar Mendoza, I've just never said it to him and now I'm about to tell him we're having a baby. What if he doesn't want his own kid and that's why he's so ok with Baba? Because Baba will never be his. What if he does want a baby but not with someone with so many issues? He can leave me right now but a baby will change all of that.

It's only been a few months. We never talked about kids, we can't even talk about moving in with each other.

How do I tell him I love him and he's going to be a father all in the same day?

"Franky?" He cups my face, "baby breathe."

Am not breathing? Let me check....I'm not! I can't breathe.

"Look, baby," he takes my hand and places it over his heart. I can feel his heart pounding. I peer into his eyes, his worried heartbeat doesn't match his calm and collected expression.

He smiles weakly, "you're breathing." I try not to focus on it and rest my head on his chest. "I'm right here," he whispers, hugging me.

"Thank you," I huff.

"What happened?" He sits down at the kitchen table and pulls me into his lap. My phone begins to ring. I shake my head then bury it into his neck. "I got it," he reaches over and grabs my phone from the counter.

"Yeah?" He says into the phone at the time the doorbell rings. I kiss Oscar's cheek then climb off his lap. I wave at Baba as I pass the living room. I open the front door.

"Pen, you're early," I say.

"I was around the area," she shrugs. Her eyes move to whatever is behind me that makes her frown. "Oscar, wha-"

Something hard and large pushes past me and nearly knocks me down. It's Oscar. Penelope steps to the side before Oscar runs her over.

"Baba's inside," I say to Penelope then run after Oscar. "Oscar!" I yell but he ignores me and heads towards his car. "Oscar!" Did he find out I was pregnant?

I catch up with him and stand in front of him. He grips my shoulders and shoved me to the side. "Oscar!"

He climbs in his car and I hope in before he could lock the doors.

"Get out." I don't recognize the man sitting next to me. His knuckles are as white as fresh snow as he grips the steering wheel. He's looking straight forward with no intention of looking at me.

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