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Oscar's POV

Everything fucking hurts. Lucky for me my ribs are just bruised and not broken. They beat me up pretty bad and when I'm almost completely healed they'll come after me again. Its a pain but it's better than being killed.

I grab the key that Franky gave me and unlock the door. I try to be as quiet as possible but Rosalee's house is old as fuck and her door is loud.

I give up and just close it. "Oscar?" Franky's voice actually startles me. I almost didn't see her sitting on the couch.

"Franky? Did you stay up?"

"Mmhm," she hums, I think she's rubbing her eyes. "I just fall asleep."

"It's five in the morning," I walk over to her.

"You said you would be back, where were you?" Her voice trembles. I'm glad she can't see how beat up I am right now. I rather have her be mad at me than worry about me.

"I know, mi amor and I'm sorry." I reach out and my hand finds her cheek. She sighs, sinking into my touch.

"I almost killed Cesar, he didn't take me with him when he went to look for you."

I chuckle and it hurts. "He didn't find me. I came straight here. Come on, let's go to bed." I think I see her nod then she rises to her feet.

I would've carried her upstairs if I wasn't in so much pain.

I quickly sneaked off to the bathroom and took something for the pain. The lamp is on when I join Franky in her room.

She gasps when her eyes land on me. "Oscar," she quickly crosses her bedroom and stands in front of me. Her eyes pool and her bottom lip quivers.

"Franky, it's fine," it's not a lie, I feel better now that I'm with her.

"There's blood-" she reaches for my shirt but draws back before actually touching me.

"Franky, you don't understand, it's either this or death." Why the fuck did I just say that? She gasps again in horror. "Baby," I sigh, "I'm trying to get out of it."

She nods, understanding but her bottom quivers again.

"Come here," I ignore the pain and hold her in my arms. She's still, obviously scared to hug me back and hurt me. I manage to swallow my pain. "Baby, it's ok."

"No, I can't," she steps back. "Look at you! Please, Oscar, let's go to the hospital."

"I can't, they'll ask questions."

"Not if you use Boris' name."

I scoff. I knew this area was dictated by him but to almost kill his own brother and not even be questioned by the cops is fucking ridiculous. How did he gain so much power and grew to be well feared? I'm over the fact that he bought Franky, stole her virginity then send her back to her father. Fuck both of them. If they weren't so important to Franky and Baba, I would've killed them myself.

"Can we go to bed now?" I ask.

Boris' POV


I jump out of sleep, snatch my phone from the nightstand, and answer the motherfucker calling me at five in the morning before the ringing wakes my sleeping son.

"What?" I snarl into the phone, my sleep quickly creeping it's way back.


My blood runs cold. "Tommy? What the fuck?" Shit, Baba's sleeping right next to me. Stop cursing.

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