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Boris' POV

It finally fucking worked. Baba tried the piano again and actually liked it. He's only three and people usually tend to start at six but he looks five and seems to be doing well.

"You know, other than my teacher, mommy was the only one who has ever heard me play," I say to Baba.

He keeps his eyes locked on the keys as he speaks, "why?"

"Because I love her."

"No," he looks at me, "why didn't you play in front of people?"

It still amazes me how smart he is. You would honestly think he's five turning six. He doesn't even sound like a three years old.

"Because it was my thing and I knew no one would understand."

His mouth opens about to respond but he's cut off by the doorbell ringing like crazy.

"Wait here," I order Baba. It's eight o'clock and too many people know where I live here.

I rush downstairs and open the front door. Franky was the last person I expected to see. Her cheeks are shiny and soaked with tears, eyes red and puffy and pale, dangerously white. She's shaking, barely able to pick at her nails. The sight of her breaks my heart and it's easy to ignore she's wearing his shirt.

"Franky-" she shoves her palms against my chest before I could ask what happened.

"Tell me!" She shouts them spins around as if someone was sneaking up on her.

"Franky," I reach for her but she snaps back around to face me and jumps back. "Tell you what?" I decided to go with.

"Tell me you don't love me," she cries.

I shake my head. "I can't lie to you like that." I have no clue what's going on but I can't hurt her any more than I have with a lie.

She whimpers, stepping back and pulling at her the rot of her hair.

"Franky," I reach for her again but she pushes me...again.

"At least told me you slept with her," her eyes are pleading and painful. Even apart I cause her misery.

"Yeah, I did."

She surprises-and sort of scares me-when she sighs in relief and closes her eyes.

"Do you want me to get Baba?"

"No-" she gulps, her eyes opening again "-I need to go."

"Franky," I move faster than before and grab her arm. She doesn't flinch or pull away or shoves me back, instead she just looks at me as if waiting for me to hit her. "Talk to me," I beg.

She sniffs. "Where's Baba?"

"He's upstairs."

"I don't want him to see me like this."

"He's doesn't have to. I'll check on him but please, Franky, stay here."

She nods. I release her and rush back upstairs. I asked Baba to get ready for bed by himself and he agreed with no questions.

Franky was sitting outside on the ground, hugging her knees. I don't scare her as I usually do when I approach her. I sit down next to her. "What happened?"

"I thought-" she sniffs "-I thought I was ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Moving on," she looks at me, "like you did."

"I didn't move on, Franky." I know I shouldn't but I scoot closer. "I think about you and our family every fucking second of the day. I think about how badly I fucked up and should've treated you better."

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