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I had felt like a fucking child, waiting for Sasha to return. He told me she was fine but I knew better, she won't be for a while.

Sasha catches me up on everything. Jaime's mother is younger too-but not as young as my girl. She "worked" for him for a bit and he had a similar relationship with her mother, which seems fucking stupid to me. They're only speaking to each other because of their daughter. If that was the case for Franky and me, I dunno what I would do. Knowing that she's sleeping with someone else or another person will watch my son grow up, it makes my blood run cold.

"How did you meet Franky?" It seems like he finally asks.

"Um...I knew her father, he introduced us," it's not a lie, he did introduce us but then sold her to me. I forget that Sasha left before I started buying women, it's sort relaxing knowing that he doesn't know shit about us, everyone else does.

He laughs. "I wonder how that conversation went, damn, I would pay good money to see you and Franky tell her father y'all were having a kid."

I narrow my eyes. "He didn't stay around after we meet."

"Oh," he frowns, "Sorry."

"Nah, it's good. She doesn't want him around and I'll kill him if he tries to be." As grateful as I am for having Franky in my life, I despise him, he sold his fucking daughter and as a new father, I have new hate growing for him.

"How's Grace and Tommy?"

"Haven't seen them in a few years but the last I checked, they hated my guts."

"Nothing new, right?" His lame attempt at a joke is annoying.

I grit my teeth then take a deep breath. "I fucked up with Franky...it was really bad, anyway, the moral of the story is I beat him senseless and Grace couldn't handle it anymore." She couldn't handle me anymore. Some fucking how Tommy and Grace had found out I sent Franky away, then Grace went batshit crazy and disowned me. Still don't know why, especially when she never liked Franky.

His face hardens. "I...I-I'm sorry. I knew Tommy was-"

"He didn't rape her," the words burn my throat. "He wouldn't be alive if he did. Can we fucking change the subject?" I snap, snatching my glass of water from the coffee table and chugging down the lump in my throat.

Tommy took advantage of her after I hurt her and she was almost raped when I left alone in a house full of drunk pigs. But I'm not that man anymore, I can protect her.

"Yeah-um do y'all plan on having another kid?"

I nearly choke on my water. I cough for a moment but quickly recover. "Another kid? Do you want another one?"

"Yeah, I actually do," he smiles off at the distance.

"Well, that's you."

Baba may be three years old but I just got him, I became a father to one amazing baby boy less than two weeks ago, and even if I have nine months to proper, I won't be ready. I'm scared shitless just by Baba.

"I'm only two months younger than you, Boris, and I'm already feeling old when it comes to Jaime."

"Speaking about kids, imma go check on mine," I ride to my feet and walk away. He fucking follows me! Annoying ass.

The sun is setting, how fucking long were we talking for?

Franky and Jaime's hair are pinned back now. Boris is in the playhouse, Jaime sitting at the door and Franky, facing away from us, looking at the kids. Jaime was the first to spot us but when her gaze lands on her father, she frowns. Poor guy, I'll lose my shit if Baba did that to me.

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