Chapter 2: Leaving Early

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The next day, I woke up in the room with my sketchbook in my hand.

"Raven! Get up!" Alyssa yelled from below."We have to go to school!"

Ugh. Today's Thursday. I trudged my way out of the room with my book. I made my way down the ladder and I placed my book on my desk.

Alyssa was already dressed in blue jeans, a top with French words, and her black converses. Her bag was on her left shoulder and her arms were crossed.

"Come on Raven." She said.

"Right." I said looking in the closet.

"Then I'll let you get dressed." She said.

With that she left and closed the door behind her. I put a white shirt, jeans, a leather jacket, and my combat boots. I placed my sketchbook in my bag and grabbed my bag.

I ran down the hall and once I walked in the dining room, mom was packing lunches while Al and Alyssa were eating breakfast.

I sat down to find some toast with fruit and orange juice before me.

"Eat up." Mom said.

We quickly ate and we heard a car honk, but it wasn't just any car, it was the flying bus.

"The bus is here." Mom said looking out the window.

We got up and as we walked out the door, mom handed us our lunches.

"Have a nice day at school!" Mom said.

Like that'll ever happen. After we got in, the bus began to fly. We all went to the same school, but we were in different rooms and we had different teachers.

We soon reached the school and we all got off. Each grade was in a different room and there was only one class per grade, since there weren't very many of us.

"Bye Al." I said.

"Bye Raven, bye Alyssa." Al said.

With that we walked to our classroom and sat down next to each other in our seats. Vaiden wasn't in our class, since he was two years older than us. He was done with school and he officially became a vampire hunter.

I was well-known because of my father and was liked by almost everyone to my luck. Soon the teacher, Mr. Steward walked into the room. He had short dirty blond hair with blue eyes. He was in his early thirties.

He was actually a nice teacher, but we hated the things he taught. He tried to make things fun though.

"Alright class settle down." He spoke."Now today we will begin reading a book, we are studying it because it has a hero's journey."

A boy with black messy hair raised his hand.

"Yes Jordan?" Mr. Steward asked.

"What's the title?" Jordan asked.

"Well I was getting there, but first can anyone tell me what a hero's journey is?" Mr. Steward asked.

Alyssa raised her hand.

"Yes Alyssa?"

"It is a cycle where the hero begins the journey, has help from a mentor or friend, goes through a supernatural realm or something of the sort, he faces several tasks, and then he returns home with some reward." Alyssa explained.

"Very good, Alyssa." Mr. Steward said.

"How did you know that?" I whispered to Alyssa.

"I do a lot of reading in my spare time." Alyssa whispered back."And I happened to noticed it."

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