Chapter 1

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I woke up to a terrible noise, my alarm. First I groaned. But I remembered it was the first day of school, so I sat up in excitement. Then I remembered that school is online this year because of quarantine, so I fell back down with a huff.

"Lynn get up! It's the first day of school!" I heard my dad shout from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I shouted back.

I sighed, put my glassed on, and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and put a shirt on, as I sleep in just a sports bra and shorts. I opened my door and walked out of the room. I made my way downstairs and smelt something amazing.

"I made waffles and sausage for you guys." My dad told my brother and I.


"Aww yes! Thanks dad!" My brother cheered.

James is two years younger than me. He's a Freshman this year. Most of his friends are bummed to miss their Freshman year but James doesn't really care.

All three of us filled our plates with food and sat down at the table together. We began to talk about the day.

"We're doing a family zoom call with Ryder and Porter at 4:30 to talk about everyone's first days so make sure to finish any work you have before then." My dad told us.

Ryder and Porter are twins. They're three years older than me so they're both in their Sophomore year of college. Ryder goes to University of Virginia and Porter goes to Southern New Hampshire University.

"Ok sounds good." I replied.

We talked through the rest of breakfast before putting our dishes in the dishwasher and going to finish getting ready. I took a quick shower before putting on a short-sleeved blue button down shirt and a pair of light blue chino shorts. I quickly braided my hair and put on my watch.

I walked into James' room to see what he put on. He had put on khaki shorts and a green polo.

"Looking good little brother."

"Right back atcha sis." He smiled at me.

"You ready?" I asked him. James had been nervous for his Freshman year as our brother and sister had left such big shoes to fill.

"Yeah I think so. I just want all of my teachers to like me."

"Hey, I know they will." I quickly checked the clock on James' bedside table and it said 8:50. "We better make sure we can get onto these zoom calls. Text me if you need anything."

"Ok. I will. Have a good first day Lynn."

"You too James."

I smiled at my brother one more time before I walked out of his room, closing the door behind me. I walked across the hallway back into my room and turned on my laptop. I logged onto Canvas (this new system the school decided to use) and went to my Homeroom class.

I clicked on the zoom section and saw the link for today's meeting. I clicked on the link and eventually got to the page where it tells you that the host will start the meeting soon.

So I picked up my phone and texted my best friends, Hadley, Kiley, and Hayden.

Me: "Have a good day gang. May the odds be ever in your favor."

Kiley: "Ugh you too! I wish we could be together."

Hayden: "I love you guys! I already miss driving to school together and talking about Lynn's newest conquest."

Me: "Hey I don't have conquests."

Hadley: "Yeah you do Lynn."

Me: "I'm offended you guys even think that. You're supposed to be my best friends."

Hayden: "We are. That's why it's our job to think that."

I noticed that my teacher had let me into the zoom.

Me: "I gotta go guys but we're finishing this conversation later."

Kiley: "Whatever you say."

Hadley: "Byeeeee!"

Hayden: "Cya."

I quickly turned on my audio so I could hear the teacher.

"We're just waiting on a few more students and then we'll get started." She said.

About 3 minutes later she unmuted herself again and began talking for the second time.

"Hello everybody. I'm Mrs. Hathaway. First I'm going to take roll just so I can put names to faces in hopes of remembering everyone's name by the end of the week."

She went through the whole class. Luckily they had lessened the amount of students per class in hopes of being able to go back sooner and still follow CDC guidelines so it didn't take that long.

"Ok let me tell you a bit about myself. My wife and I have two sons and two daughters. We had just our youngest biologically, and the other three are adopted. We got one from Guatemala, one from Namibia, and the third from Bangladesh. I enjoy skiing with my family, hiking, surfing, and playing soccer. I went to college at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and played soccer there."

Mrs. Hathaway seemed like an amazing teacher. She's just obviously a really nice person. She reminds me of who I want to be in the future. Married to an amazing woman and adopting kids from third world countries at older ages. It's nice to see that it can actually happen.

"Ok first I'm going to put you into breakout rooms and I want you to share your name, favorite thing you did this summer, if applicable where you're thinking about for college, and what you're most excited for this year. Ok give me a second... and go ahead. I'll have you back in 5 minutes."

I clicked the button that had popped up on my screen and I saw three other people pop in. One was Garrett, he's on the football team so we hang out a lot. The second was Logan, she was a teammate of mine on the soccer team. And the third was someone I had never seen before. But she was very pretty.

"I'll go first. I'm Garrett, my favorite memory this summer was wakeboarding, and I want to go to Clemson University to play football."

"I'll go next. I'm Logan, this summer I got to spend a lot of time with my mom which was nice because she usually travels a lot and I live with my dad so I don't get to see her often, and I want to go to John Hopkins so I can be an OBGYN."

"I can go." The pretty girl began when I didn't make a move to talk. "I'm Eva, I'm new, I guess my favorite thing I did this summer was help renovate our new house here, and I want to go to UNC to play soccer."

"You play soccer?" Logan asked.

"Yeah." Eva replied.

"Both Lynn and I are on the soccer team at school. Lynn's the caption this year."

"That's cool."

"Well I'm Lynn, my favorite thing I did this summer is go surfing with my dad and my brother, and I want to go to CU Boulder." I said right before the notice to go back into the main meeting came up. We bid each other farewell and went into the main meeting again.

Thanks for reading my first chapter of the new book. Please leave a like a comment if you liked the first part of the new story.

- M.W.

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