Chapter 19

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Eva and I were laying on my bed. She was sitting against the headboard and I was laying her lap.

"I want to cut my hair." I told her.

"Ok. How short?" She asked.

"Short short. Like Pinoe short." I answered.

"Ok. Well let's find a style you want it to look like and make an appointment. We should also find a place for you to donate your hair to because you might as well give it to people in need." Eva went off.



"I didn't expect you to be this supportive." I answered honestly.

"Well you better believe it. I will always be supportive of things you want in life."

"You're amazing. I love you so much." I grabbed Eva's neck and pulled her down for a kiss.

"I love you too babe." She said when she pulled away.

"We have the house for the whole weekend. What do you want to do?" I asked my girlfriend.

My dad and Nancy went on a weekend trip and he's going to propose. Ella-Rose and Conner are staying at their cousins house and James is staying at Pen's. I was left to watch over the house. Chris and Melissa said that Eva could stay over for the weekend.

"Well we could have the girls over today." Eva suggested.

"That's a good idea. They could help me pick out a hair style. I'll call Hadley and Hayden. You call Kiley." I told Eva.

So we did just that. Once I finished calling my friends I texted my hair lady and made an appointment for Friday afternoon. It's going to happen. And I'm very excited about it.

About 15 minutes later everyone showed up. Eva and I got off of my bed and went downstairs with everyone. We went into the living room and all sat down.

"So I'm going to cut my hair." I said.

"Wow really?" Hads exclaimed.

"How short?" Kiley asked.

"Finally." Hayden sighed.

"Really short. Wait finally?" I wondered.

"Yeah. You're a butch lesbian. It was only a matter of time before you got an undercut or cut off your hair." Hayden explained.

"Ok fair enough. Can you guys help me find a good cut?"

"Of course."

We all went on our phones to screenshot our favorite ones. After around 20 minutes we each had around 5 photos.

"Ok send them to me and we can choose." I said.

They all send them to me and I saved them to my camera role. Then I screen mirrored my phone to the tv. We looked through all of them and around an hour later we had finally chosen our favorite one.

Then we decided to go into the pool.

That evening

The girls all just left and it's 6:30 so Eva and I are getting hungry.

"What do you want to get to eat? My dad left money for take out."

"How about burgers?"

"I don't want something to heavy."

"Ok then maybe we just get some good old fashioned Safeway chicken tenders." My girlfriend proposed.

"Sounds good to me. You can stay here. I'll just be around 15 minutes." I told Eva as I grabbed my keys and put on my slides.

"Ok. See you when you get back babe." She leaned her head up for me to kiss.

I kissed her lips quickly and then left the house. I drove to Safeway and bought 6 chicken tenders and then some dairy free ice cream. And of course gummy worms. I drove back home and Eva and I ate our chicken and then went up to my room.

We both quickly brushed our teeth and then we got on my bed. I got on top of Eva and started by kissing her cheek. Then I slowly made my way down to her neck, kissing each inch of skin I could find.

Once I got down to where her shirt was I took it off so I could go down further. I kissed her shoulder and her chest. I made my way down to her stomach and kissed down to her waist line. I unbuttoned her jean shorts and took them off slowly.

"Is this ok?" I asked before I continued.

"Of course it's ok. I just think it's unfair how you have so many things on your body. Let me take that shirt off." She was breathing heavy.

I let her take my shirt off and then pull down my shorts. I resumed kissing her and made my way back up to her lips. We kissed passionately for a few minutes before I desperately needed more.

"I need all of you right now. But mainly your body." I gasped.

"Please take it." She breathed.

I unclasped her bra as I looked dead into her eyes.

After sex

Eva and I were laying in my bed naked. I went to get up but she pulled me closer to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't want you to leave me." She answered.

"Oh baby. I'm not leaving. I'm just going to get some ice cream."

"Ok. Hurry back."

"I will." I kissed her lips softly and then got up and walked downstairs.

I grabbed out the tub of ice cream and a spoon. We wouldn't need two. We've already been everywhere there is to go. We could share a spoon.

I laid back down with my girlfriend and opened the tub of ice cream. I placed it on my stomach over the covers. I had a bite and then I gave a bite to Eva. Eventually we got to the point where I would take a bite and then we would kiss and share it.

"I want to take a shower." Eva said suddenly.

"Ok." I replied kind of sad. I thought this was going somewhere again.

"With you." She clarified.

"Ok!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of bed. "Let's go. What are you waiting for?"

- M.W.

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