Chapter 18

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We got into the car and drove over to Kiley's house. I had Eva text her that we're here and she walked out about a minute later. She opened the back door and got into the car.

"No James?" She questioned.

"He's getting a ride from Pen. I was at Eva's all day."

"Oh ok. Are we getting some food before we go because I didn't eat?" Kiley asked.

'Yeah sure. Where do you want to go?" I asked.



Eva and Kiley caught up as we drove over. I just sung along to the music that was playing. We pulled up to the Subway and I stayed in the car while Eva and Kiley went in to get our sandwiches.

They came back out a few minutes later with three sandwiches, two bags of chips and two sodas. Eva gave me my sandwich and chips and we all began eating.

"Give me a sip." I said to Eva as she was drinking her root-beer. She tilted the straw over to me and I took a sip.

"What the heck?" Kiley exclaimed.

"What?" Eva asked.

"Lynn doesn't let anyone drink out of her drinks and absolutely never drinks out of anyone else's drink." Kiley said.

"Well I mean my tongue has been in her mouth so I feel like that's probably why." Eva answered nonchalantly.

"What??" Kiley freaked out.

"Yeah. Quite a few times actually." Eva told her.

"You didn't tell me?!?!" Kiley screamed.

"Sorry. We just became official today and I didn't want to tell anyone before in case it didn't work out. I didn't want to ruin any friendships." I explained.

"Do Hayden and Hads know?"

"No. You're the first person besides our family that knows." Eva told her.

"Wow. Well I'm really happy for you guys. You're so cute together." Kiley smiled at us.

"Thank you." Eva said as I kissed her cheek.

"You guys are actually goals." Kiley smiled at us.

"Thanks. This is a picture from our first date." I just turned on my phone on and showed her my background.

"Oh my gosh. You are the cutest couple ever." Kiley squealed.

"Thanks Ki."

We talked for a few more minutes before we drove over to church. We put our masks on and got out of the car. Kiley grabbed her chair and I grabbed Eva and I's blanket. We walked over to Becky to get our temperature checked.

Kiley went over to play frisbee with Artie and Dorcas. Eva grabbed a soccer ball and we decided to play one on one to the mini goal. We played for a few minutes a snuck a quick kiss in the middle.

We worshiped for a few minutes and then we all got into our groups and sat down. We had Beth to our left and Jo to our right. I was propped up on my arms and Eva was laying right in front of me. Meaning on top of me.

We talked about Genesis 29. I read and I just had to keep stopping because of how Jacob goes and falls in love with his first cousin and then marries her and her sister. It's nuts. By the time we were going over our highs, lows, and prayer requests Eva's head was in my lap and I was sitting up and playing with her hair.

Beth went and then it was Eva's turn. I was obviously last so she was second to last.

"Ok my high is that I went on an amazing date last Sunday and got a girlfriend. My low is that my mom hasn't called in a while. And my prayer request is for Damian still because he's trying really hard but is really struggling trying to learn online." Eva said.

"My high is that I was the one who planned the date. Guys it was amazing. We went to the farmers market and got Mexican food. Then we went to Petroglyph and painted and then we went and watched a movie. My other high is that I'm said girlfriend if you guys haven't noticed. My low is- actually I don't think I have a low. It's been a great week. Any my prayer request is still for my Uncle Matt who has cancer." I told everyone.

"That's great girls. I'm happy for you. Anyone want to pray?" Jo said.

"I'll pray." Yael said.

She did and then we all talked for a minute before leaving. I left Eva to talk to Artie and Beth as I went over to talk to Liz and Dorcas. After a few minutes I went over to get James who was talking to Pen.

"Hey Pen!"

"Hey Lynn!" She hugged me quickly before anyone could see.

"How are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm doing good. How are you? How's junior year?" Pen asked.

"I'm really good right now. I just got a new girlfriend and she's the most amazing person ever. You'll have to come over to meet her sometime." I said.

"Yeah sure. That's really great."

"Thanks. How about you? Anyone special in your life?" I asked.

"Ole Jamie!" She slung her arm around my brothers shoulder. "I'm just kidding. Parker's been flirting with me a lot but I'm not sure if I like him as more than a friend yet. It's hard when all of your friends are boys."

"Yeah I get it. Well I don't but you know what I mean. When I first realized I was gay I had to figure out if I liked any of my friends as more than friends. It's rough."

"See you get it. James here is hopeless with advice."

"Just let me know if you ever need some help figuring it out." I smiled at her. Though she couldn't see because of my mask.

"Ok I will. Thanks Lynn. My dad is here but I'll see you guys later." Pen hugged James quickly and then waved to me.

"Bye." We both waved to her.

"Ready to go?" I asked James.

"Yep. I'll see you at the car." He began walking to the car as I went to get Kiley and then Eva.

I just slipped my arm around Eva's waist.

"You guys are actually so cute." Liz said.

"Yeah you are. I wish I had a girlfriend. You guys are making me really jealous and lonely." Dorcas agreed.

"Thanks. And sorry Dorc. I bet we could find you someone." I told her.

"Ok. I'll take you up on that. There's absolutely no one at my school date worthy. And the two people that would be are straight." She said.

"Ok. I'll make it our personally mission to get you a girlfriend by Christmas." I said.

"Sounds good." Eva said.

"Good luck. And thanks." Dorcas responded.

"No problem. We have to go but we'll see y'all next week." I waved goodbye to them as Liz, Dorcas, and Eva all said a form of goodbye.

Thanks for reading.


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