Chapter 4

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Hayden and I were going to the golf course today. We're not actually playing, we're just going to the driving range.

Me: "Here."

Hayden walked out and put her clubs in the trunk of my car. Then she hopped into the passenger seat.

"Sup." She smiled.


We drove to the course and we talked the whole way there. We mainly talked about school. It seemed like there's nothing else to talk about anymore.

We got to the range and bought a bucket of balls each. We stayed there hitting balls for around an hour. Just perfecting our swing.

Then we decided to get some lunch. So we drove to a diner and put our masks on before going inside. We got sat down and ordered.

I heard the bell ring and looked toward the door. I saw a girl that looked just like Eva. I couldn't be sure because she was wearing a mask. She walked in with her family and sat down at a booth across the restaurant.

Our food came quickly and I told Hayden I had to go to the bathroom. I walked in. Did my business and then began to wash my hands. That's when Eva came in and began to wash her hands as well.

I took a deep breath and decided to be brave.

"Eva?" I looked at her.

"Do I know you?" She asked politely.

"I'm Lynn. We have a few classes together I think. We were put in a breakout room together." I told her.

"Oh yeah. You're the captain right?"

"Yes I am."

"Well. It's nice to see you in person." She said.

"Yeah. You too. Are you here with your family?"

"Yeah I am. It's our first time going out here and my dad saw this on the drive here so he wanted to check it out."

"Oh nice. Yeah we've been coming here since I was a baby. The food is really good." I told her.

"Well that's a relief."

"Have you met anyone here yet?" I asked her.

"Nope. You're the first. It's kind of lonely moving to a new town in the middle of a pandemic." She replied.

"Yeah I'm sorry. I can be your first friend. Do you want to give me your number?"

"Oh yeah. Thank you."

She gave me her number and it put it in my phone. I typed in her name as well.

"Ok. I'll let you get back to your family now. We'll talk later." I smiled at her before realizing she couldn't see me. "I'm smiling by the way."

"Yeah I got that." She laughed. "Bye Lynn."

We both walked out of the bathroom and back to our booths.

"Wow. That took so long. What the hell were you doing in there?" Hayden asked.

"I was just talking to Eva. She's new this year and in a few of my classes."

"Oh nice. You should invite her to hang out with us sometime." Hayden replied.

"I will." I smiled before I took my mask back off and began to eat my food.

After we finished I drove us to the shooting range. Neither Hayden nor I have a gun but we both enjoy coming anyway. Hayden likes to let out stress from taking care of her siblings and I want to be in the FBI so it'll help if I can already be good at shooting.

We shot for about an hour before going back to my house. We played FIFA for a while before my dad and James came home. They were at the school practicing Lacrosse. James is a forward and my dad was a keeper in high school so it works out great.

"Hey dad. Hey Jamie." I called as they walked in.

"How we're the ranges?" My dad asked.

"Really good. I was hitting 250 every time and getting 6 and below every time." I told my dad.

"And you Hayden?"

"I was getting around the same. Going every weekend is really paying off for us." Hayden told my dad.

"That's great girls. I'm proud of you guys. We're going to go shower and we can order some food. Hayden are you staying the night?"

"No. I've got to get back by 9 because we have an early morning tomorrow. We're going into the city and we're leaving at 8. Thanks though."

"Ok. Yeah no problem. Lynn do you want to order something? James and I are open to anything."

"Yeah sure dad."

My dad walked into his room and we heard the shower turn on.

"Can we turn the Houston game on?" I asked.

"You read my mind babe." Hayden replied.

"Great. Now what do you want for dinner?" I asked as Hayden switched the channel to the Houston vs. Orlando game that was about to start.

"Something good." Hayden replied.

"Well obviously. But like a type?"

"Um Chinese?" She proposed.

"Ok yeah." I ordered Chinese food on DoorDash.

We ate while we watched the game and then after we watched a movie and had some popcorn before I drove Hayden home.

"I'll see you soon. Have fun in the city."

"Yeah. Today was fun. Thanks babe."

"Of course dude. Tell McClain, Emmeline, and Benedict I said hi."

"I think it's so funny how you use their full names when talking about them but wouldn't dare use them to their faces. And yeah. I'll tell them you said hi. Also they want you guys to come over soon. Mostly you but Micky wants to hang out with James."

"Ok. I'll talk to my dad about it. Goodnight Hay."

"Goodnight Lynn."

Thanks for reading chapter 4. Leave a like and a comment if you liked it.

- M.W.

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