Chapter 8

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Eva's car followed us to the ice cream parlor a few streets away from church. We got out of the car and went in to order. They gave us our ice cream and then we sat outside and took our masks off to eat. James and Kiley sat on one side of the table and Eva sat next to me on the other side.

"So Eva, tell us a bit about yourself." Kiley prompted.

"Well I was born in New York City and then we moved out of the city when I was 5 so I could go to a good school in a safer place. My mom and dad split right after my sister was born when I was 8. My dad got almost full custody. He met Melissa when I was 9 and they got married when I was 10. Damian was only 3 when they got married. And he was diagnosed with Autism a few months later. Kira and Damian are only 4 months apart in age so they get along really well which is great.

I started playing soccer when I was 5. I was a goal keeper for a while but then I decided to play midfield because there was so much energy that I wasn't getting out. I got my first guitar when I was 8. My parents got it for me as sort of a conciliation of the divorce. I've been playing ever since. I got my first camera when I was 10. Because my dad was getting remarried. I now take pictures all the time. And that's pretty much it." She told us.

"Wow. That's a lot." Kiley replied.

"Yeah I guess. How about you?" Eva asked her.

"Ok well I was around 5 when my parents started letting me dress like a girl around the house. And about 7 at school. I started taking hormone blockers when I was 9 and estrogen when I was 14. My brothers were always really supportive and beat up anyone who made fun of me. Then my dad passed when I was 16 in a car accident. I started playing volleyball when I was 8 and I started swimming competitively when I was 10. I've been cooking with my mom since I was really young.

I got really into video games when I was like 8 because it's the way that I could hang out with my brothers. It's really the only way they knew how to bond with me. And my dad and I began to take coding classes together right before he died because he always wanted me to be a software developer so I've been doing that ever since." Kiley told Eva.

"Wow. You're so strong."

"Thank you." Kiley smiled at her.

"And James? Do you want to tell me about yourself?" Eva asked.

I smiled very wide at the fact that she was trying to bond with my brother.

"Uh sure. When I was born Lynn was already 2 and Ryder and Porter were 5. I learned to walk like significantly after most kids because Ryder never put me down. I played all different sports growing up because my siblings played everything. But by the time I was 11 I dropped everything except lacrosse and water polo. I've been playing up on both since I was 13.

Our mom got cancer when I was 6. Most of my memories of her are in the hospital. She passed when I was 8 and I remember how sad everyone was for a long time. I met most of my friends when I got into middle school. In elementary school I had one friend. Her name is Penelope but we all call her Pen. That's all there is to know really." James finished.

"Well I think we're going to be good friends James."  Eva told him.

"Ok." James replied. We all chuckled.

"Lynn it's your turn."

"You already know a lot about me."

"Yeah but I'd like the summary like everyone else."

"Ok. When I was born Ryder tried to send me back to the hospital because she didn't want me. But I was here to stay. Like James I grew up playing every sport. Our parents raised us that we could be anything we want to be and so could anyone else. So I never wore dresses or skirts. I just wore all of Porter's old clothes.

I figured out I was gay from a very young age. I remember thinking that everyone had crushes on girls because they're just so pretty. I didn't put a word to it until I was about 12. When I had my first girlfriend. She was this girl on my volleyball team and Kiley encouraged me to kiss her so I did, then she broke up with me.

I joined the football team when I was a freshman. I was actually recruited. Our coach thought I had a great leg and the kicker had just graduated so she told the football coach and he came to a practice and asked me right away. So because of that and because of how much everyone loved Ryder and Porter I kind of instantly became popular and so did my friends.

I had my first serious girlfriend when I was 15 and we dated for a year. We broke because she cheated on me with one of her sisters friends from college. After that I dated around a bit just so I could see what I really wanted in a person.

I got this reputation of being sort of a player but I didn't do anything with anyone. In fact I think the reason my that girlfriend cheated on me is because I didn't sleep with her. I haven't dated anyone for more than a month since then because I just haven't found the right person. That's me." I told her.

"Well, I'm very excited to get to know all of you more. And your other friends too. But I think I should probably get home. Thank you so much for inviting me Lynn. And thank you James and Kiley for making me feel so welcome." Eva smiled at us.

"Of course. We'll see you soon Eva." Kiley replied.

"Bye Eva." James said.

"Thanks for coming. Text me when you get home ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I will. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I smiled at her. She got into her car a drove away. "We should probably get going as well. Your mom probably wants you home by now." I said to Kiley.

"Yeah you're probably right." She replied.

"Shot gun!" James called out.

"Hey no fair. I'm older than you. And not to mention taller as well." Kiley and James play frighted as they walked to the car.

I just smiled at them. I'm really lucky to have all of them.

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