Chapter 20

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It's Friday and I'm going to get my hair cut today. Eva's coming but because of COVID she's the only one who's allowed to come. We're all going to Hayden's right after though so they can all see.

"Are you ready?" My girlfriend asked as we got out of the car.

"Yes. I'm very excited for this. I'm ready to be light and free and cool." I replied.

"Ok great. Well I have the bag and the hair ties." She told me.

"Great. Thanks for coming."

"Of course. That's what girlfriends are for." She kissed me softly before we both put on our masks and entered the hair salon.

"Hey Lynn!" Courtney, my hairdresser exclaimed.

"Hi Court." I smiled at her.

"And who's this?" She nodded towards Eva.

"Hi, I'm Eva. I'm Lynn's girlfriend." Eva introduced herself.

"Ooh. You guys are very cute together." Courtney told us.

"Thank you." We said at the same time.

"Shall we get started?" Court asked.


"So what are we going to be doing today?"

"We're chopping it all off." I told her.

"What? Seriously?" Courtney was shocked.

"Yeah. Here's the picture." I showed her the picture as I sat down in the chair.

"Ok. I can make that work. You'll look great."

"Thanks. We're going to donate it." I told her.

"Oh that's great. Do you have the hair ties?"

"Yeah." Eva handed them to her.

"Ok Eva I'll have you actually help me here. I want to put this into 12 ponytails."

"Ok. Should I do this side of her head?" My girlfriend asked.

"Yeah. Put about this much hair in each one."

Eva and Courtney put my hair into a bunch of ponytails and then cut them all off. My hair looked absolutely horrendous.

"Let's go wash it." Courtney said.

I followed her over to the washing station and she washed then conditioned my hair. After we walked back over to chair and sat down.

"Can I see the picture again?" Court asked.

"Of course. Babe?"

Eva opened her phone and showed Courtney the style that I wanted.

"So you want the top longer than the sides?"


At Hayden's house

"Oh my gosh Lynn you look amazing!" Hadley came up and hugged me.

"Thanks Hads." I hugged her back.

"Wow Lynn. You really do look great." Kiley said.

"Yeah you do look fantastic." Hayden added.

"Thanks guys. It feels amazing. I will need to take a shower though because I have so many tiny hairs all over my neck and in my shirt." I told them.

"Oh yeah. I bet." Kiley answered.

"Do you guys want to make ice cream sundaes?" Hayden asked. She has a one track mind - food.


"What about Lynn? She can't have dairy." Eva asked.

"Awe that's so sweet." Hadley gushed.

"Yeah that's cute. We have a stash of ice cream and in that stash we have a few different dairy free flavors for Lynn."

"Thanks for caring babe." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Of course."

"Let's go."

We all walked downstairs and grabbed things out. Eva and I got the bowls and spoons because she doesn't know where anything is yet, Hadley got the ice cream, Hayden got the toppings, and Kiley got the syrups.

We all made our sundaes and then decided to watch Oceans 8, they thought it was fair because last time they made me watch a horror movie and Oceans 8 is my favorite movie. Eva and I cuddled on the couch.

After the movie I told our friends we had to go. They were a little skeptical about why we had to leave so early on a Friday night but let us go. We got into my car and drove over to Eva's house.

Chris and Melissa are out to dinner and Damian and Kira are with Eva's grandma. When we got there we ran into the house and up to Eva's room.

"Ok so I obviously have to take a shower. There's so much hair on me. I could use some help reaching my back." I told Eva seductively.

"Then why are you still wearing clothes?" Eva quickly stripped and turned on the shower.

I took a second just to admire her body and then I took off my clothes as well. After our shower we dried off and took this to the bed. It was a very long and eventful night.

Thanks for reading. If there's any particular thing you want to see just let me know.

- M.W.

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