Chapter 12

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Ananya woke up to find herself, lying on a random bed. Her surroundings seemed different to her. When she opened her eyes a bit more she saw Nikhil sitting on the chair next to her bed doing something on his phone.

"Where am I?" Ananya asked Nikhil curiously

Nikhil looked at Ananya for a second and said with a furious expression "Ananya this is ridiculous, you are here because you fainted. The house staff Mrs.Tina saw you unconscious in the library. She panicked and called me. I had to get out from an important meeting because of your carelessness".

"What do you mean by carelessness?" Ananya said, trying not to break her words.

"You haven't had food since yesterday night. That's why you fainted. I know you did this purposely just to make life more difficult for me Ananya. You've embarrassed me in front of a lot of people because of this incident". Nikhil shouted at Ananya.

Without Ananya realizing a tear escaped from her eyes and said sorry. Ananya didn't protest against him as she knew there was no use.

Later after clearing the hospital formalities, the doctor finally let Ananya leave the hospital. By the time they reached their house. It was 5PM. Nikhil then didn't bother to return to work; he stayed at home.

Ananya received strict orders from Nikhil not to miss food any time. In fact he told Mrs.Tina to make sure Ananya eats her food properly. Ananya felt a tiny protectiveness from Nikhil's side in heart but her mind told her that don't fall for anything as he is only Instructing her to eat properly so he doesn't have to waste his time again.

After some time at home, Ananya saw a lady around in her 50's doing something in the kitchen. Ananya assumed that she must be Mrs.Tina Nikhil mentioned earlier. Mrs Tina smiled at Ananya when she noticed Ananya entering the kitchen.

"Are you feeling better Ma'am?" Mrs.Tina asked.

"Yes I am. Are you Mrs.Tina?" Ananya asked

"Yes I am Ma'am. I am the housekeeper" Mrs.Tina replied.

"Ahh right. Thank you so much Mrs.Tina, for calling Nikhil when I fainted" she said.

"I actually panicked for a moment Ma'am. I did see you in the morning in the garden but you seemed busy, so I thought I'll come and meet you later on."

"We sound really formal now. Please call me Anu Mrs.Tina. I'd prefer to call you something else as well. What can I call you?" Ananya asked Mrs.Tina.

"You're just like Nikhil dear. He doesn't allow me to call him sir. I'm more like a mother to him here. So if you like you can call me Tina ma like Nikhil."

"That sounds great!! I will call you Tina ma from now on" Anu said smiling.

Tina then served Ananya some food and they were having some general conversations when Nikhil entered the kitchen. Ananya looked up then continued eating her food. "Are you feeling better?" Nikhil asked Ananya to avoid eye contact with her.

"Yes, thank you for taking me to the hospital." Ananya replied.

Nikhil just nodded and started eating his food which was served by Tina ma.
"Please don't avoid eating food. I can understand that it might be hard for you to eat from here because I'm providing it, but it's fine. I can afford to feed another person as well". Nikhil said, smirking.

"I didn't think anything like that till now but now I've decided to provide food for myself Nikhil. I don't want to eat anything bought from your money. Also I don't want to live here for free as well. I will pay you my rent until we divorce. Or if not I'll pay you for both my food and accommodation. The decision is up to you Nikhil Varma". Ananya said to Nikhil boldly.

"Oh Mrs.Varma, I mean Ananya Ramachandra is taking bold decisions. Well it sounds good. I can save my money being spent on random people. Umm and also you can buy your own food just to pay for my accommodation every month. And I will let you know how much that will be tomorrow. The rent is going to be high. Will you be able to afford it?" Nikhil said brushing his well gelled hair.

"Ok, and don't stress about that Nikhil. I will be able to afford it unless you make me pay you an unreasonable amount" Ananya said, picked up her plate and went to wash it.

Tina Ma was listening to their conversation, from what she heard she understood that Ananya and Nikhil were not on good terms with each other.

"Tina ma, only cook for Nikhil from tomorrow" Ananya said and left the kitchen. Nikhil looked up when Ananya called her Tina ma just like him.

After a few minutes, Ananya returned with her purse and placed some amount in front of Nikhil.

"This money is for the food I just ate now and for the expenses you had to spend in the hospital. I hope this money is enough" Ananya said.

Nikhil looked up and said "Ananya, I understood one thing today. You're not a shy village girl as I thought you were. You are a bold independent girl. Keep it up."

"Thanks," Ananya said and left.

Nikhil just sighed.

Later when Nikhil was in his study doing some work, he heard a loud classical music being played and the sound of ghungroo (which is a type of dancers' anklet). Nikhil wasn't able to focus. The noise was distracting him.

Nikhil angrily got up from his chair and came into the living room to see Ananya dancing. "Can you stop this bloody nonsense Ananya?" Nikhil shouted from the top of his lungs.

"Just 5 more minutes Nikhil. It's for a performance I have to do in two days. Please bear with me" Ananya pleaded and carried on.

By each second passed, Nikhil's blood was boiling more and more listening to the sound. And finally he lost it. Nikhil picked up Ananya's recorder from where the music was playing and threw it on the floor as hard as he could.

Tina Ma watched everything.

Ananya stopped and looked at her recorder which was lying on the floor, broken. Ananya too got angry. She had told him that she'll stop but he didn't listen.

Ananya walked towards Nikhil and slapped him hard.

Opinion on this chapter ?

What do you all think is going to happen in the next chapter ?

How will Nikhil react to what Ananya did ?

Opinion on Ananya in today's chapter ? Do you think she shouldn't have slapped him?

Opinion on Nikhil in today's chapter ?

What did you all think of Nikhil taking Ananya to the hospital ? Do you think that may have progressed their relationship.

Guys It would be great it you can let me know who your all imagining for the cast.

Please keep the comments and votes flowing as it will motivate me a lot to carry on writing !!

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