Chapter 23

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It was raining heavily outside and the time was past 12 but Nikhil still hadn't returned from work or neither was he answering her calls making Ananya worried and panicked. She started thinking of many horrid thoughts and scenarios clutching onto the ends of her saree Ananya looked out of the window worryingly. She again rang Nikhil but again he wasn't answering it.

After approximately half an hour Ananya heard the noise of a car entering into the house. Immediately Ananya opened the door ran outside to the entrance of the house not bothering the rain. Nikhil slowly got out the car he was fully wet.

Ananya quickly ran upto him, grabbed his hands and dragged him into the front area of the house out of the rain. "Nikhil how careless are you ? , look how wet you are ?. You scolded me the other day saying I'll catch a cold standing in the rain !!! You've done the same thing a well for goodness sake Nikhil" Ananya scolded him. For once in his life didn't say anything back he enjoyed the care and attention Ananya was giving him. With the ends of her saree Ananya tried dry Nikhil's hair and body even though it wasn't much use.

Finally after Ananya's nonstop taunt she paused for a second and then resumed and said "at least give me an explanation Mr Varma !!"

"Well you didn't spare me a second to give you an explanation " Nikhil said making Ananya sligtly embarrassed. She looked down out of embarrassment and to avoid his gaze when she looked down Nikhil's elbow came into her attention. "Nikhil what is this ?" Ananya questioned him seeing his fresh wound, looking more closely Ananya saw bloodstains on his shirt as well.

"Anu actually it's just that I went to visit a construction site today to check the progress and I met with a small accident there, it's nothing to worry about, wrapping a small bandage around it would do" Nikhil said and starting walking into the house.

"Nikhil are you stupid ?" Nikhil froze for a second hearing her scolding him again. He turned around slighlt feared to hear more from her "Your wound could get infected if you don't treat it properly, it isn't a small wound. It's a very large wound, come we are going to the hospital now" Ananya commanded Nikhil so he didn't have a choice.

Nikhil was secretly enjoying Ananya's care and protection towards him, Nikhil then went to the hospital with Ananya and got his wounded treated properly, the doctors also prescribed him some pain killers. Nikhil was secretly enjoying the care and concern Ananya was showing towards him, he liked the way how she demanded him to go to the hospital without giving him a say.

When they returned home Ananya asked Nikhil to stop and advised him, receiving advice from people was one of the things Nikhil hated the most.

"Nikhil don't see things like this as very small, you need to take necessary actions immediately when things like this happen. What if the wound had got infected ? Things would have been much more complicated then also why can't you come earlier !!! " Ananya said to Nikhil out of frustration on the verge of tears, Nikhil was slightly irritated  now.

"Anu stop scolding me like I am an little child, it's not like I was dying for you to scold me like this" those words slipped from Nikhils mouth before he could stop it. He couldn't take back those words either.

Tears started rolling down through Ananya's cheeks " Nikhil you don't understand the pain of losing someone. I have seen three of my loved ones leaving this world without even saying bye to me properly. Stop seeing death as something very simple Nikhil ....I can't bear the thought of losing another loved one....." she said aiming at Nikhil. Somewhere in Nikhil's heart a small happiness formed knowing he has a value in Ananya's mind and she is seeing him as an loved one ... 

Nikhil ran his hands through his hair deeply regretting mentioning death especially in front of Ananya. Ananya went to her room crying Nikhil followed her into her room.

He knelt before Ananya next to the bed, holded her hands into his hands and apologised. "Anu I'm really sorry, it accidentally slipped out of my mouth I didn't think of the seriousness of it. I know understand what I said is wrong. Please forgive me Anu" Nikhil said lowering his head.

Ananya stood up and then knelt down on the floor next to him and wrapped her hands around Nikhil's torso and cried, once she was finished she started speaking "Nikhil I'm sorry my mind is just too weak now that is why I reacted the way I did, the word 'death' brings back all those horrid memories into my mind that's why it affected me so much. Please be more careful Nikhil, I am at the stage in life where I'm starting to dream a future with you .... ease don'tshatter my dreams" Ananya said the last line trying to not cry.

Some tragic incidents may take time to heal, sometimes it may never heal and stay like a hole in the heart.

Nikhil cupped her cheeks and placed a small kiss onto her forehead "sorry Anu  for today I will take care of myself more". Nikhil said

"Cheer up wifey!! Nikhil then said to make the atmosphere less uncomfortable and stood up have a shower. After taking a shower Nikhil ate some food Ananya had prepared for him. "Ahh your food is majic Anu !!! Your a pro at cooking !!" Nikhil complimented her making her smile !! Ananya loved hearing comments from Nikhil.

When both of them were gonna go into their own rooms to sleep Nikhil asked Ananya to stop and sleep in his room. " Anu if you don't mind can you sleep in my room today?" Nikhil didn't know if it was too early to ask her this because its only the beginning of their relationship but Nikhil wanted Ananya's presence near him which is why he asked ...

Ananya was hesitant but she didn't want to hurt Nikhil therefore she nodded and went to his room. It wasn't there first time sleeping together, Nikhil used to sleep with Ananya when her parents and brother had died but Nikhil sleeped with her in her room keeping  maximum distance between them and allowing personal space.

"Which side do you want Anu ?" Nikhil asked

"Ermm I don't mind Nikhil" Anu said. Nikhil then settled himself at one end of the bed followed by Ananya at another end. The bed was a king size bed meaning they had plenty of space.

Nikhil turned the dim lamp light of and covered himself and Anu with the blankets. He then slowly moved closely to Ananya and circled his hands around her waist "I hope you don't mind this closeness Anuu" Nikhil asked her very quietly in her ears "if your feeling uncomfortable just let me know" .

This closeness was affecting Anu a lot, she cursed herself for wearing a saree today....

Ananya didn't say anything to what Nikhil had asked and remained quite, with her back still facing Nikhil.

Ananya wasn't obviously the first girl in Nikhil's life, he has had many girls before Ananya and numerous hook ups  but he felt different when he was with Ananya .... he didn't know why that was. Everything felt new to him in this marriage. As each day passed Nikhil was getting eager to know more about Ananya, her past, her previous relationships and everything associated with her. For him it was obvious that he was creating an effect on Ananya as well, it was visible to him from her actions and the way she reacted to his closeness. But Nikhil didn't know this was the calm just before the storm ...


Hope you have all enjoyed this chapter :) let me know how it was !!!!

How was Nikhil and Ananya's bond in this chapter ?

Do you guys want more of Priya to be included in the chapters ?

Thank you so much to all my readers for encouraging and motivating me !! Hope I'm showing justice to you all with this story :)

Will come back soon with another chapter ❤❤❤

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