Chapter 7.

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Shubman's POV-

After my conversation with Meher last night, I tried not to think too much about Sara. But obviously, there were times when I did. I mean, that's human nature, and I really can't help it.

Speaking about Meher, she really is amazing. Post our conversation about Sara, we called Kamlesh to the cafè too, and the three of us spent nearly an hour, speaking, and cracking lame jokes.

"Just imagine I have a maid named Rani, okay. So, Rani rushed into my room without knocking the door while I was changing my clothes, and I got angry. What would I have told her?" Kamlesh asked Shivam, as I watched them from an audible distance.

"Uhm.. I don't know." Shivam shrugged.

"Naukrani." Kamlesh stated.

"What? Why would you call a maid a maid?" Shivam questioned him, confused as ever.

"Naukrani, knock-Rani. Get it?" Kamlesh asked him, laughing to himself.

"Ohhh! Okay okay, I get it." Shivam chuckled.

That was one of the lamest jokes, honestly.

And guess what? It was Meher's joke.

Last night when Meher cracked the joke, I facepalmed myself, whereas Kamlesh started laughing.

Anyway, getting back, practice today was kind of at peace today. It's weird how Meher had just spent a day with us, and all the members were already missing her.

"Everyone here. Quick!" Brendon McCullum, our coach stated.

We all gathered in a circle surrounding him.

"Okay guys, listen up. We've three more practice sessions until our first match against Mumbai Indians. We're leavin' early today so that we all could sit together, and you know, watch them play against CSK. I want all of y'all to watch both the teams carefully. Okay?" He spoke.

There was a round of yes, before we split apart to carry our kits and walk towards the bus.

We reached the hotel in about twenty minutes.

There were a few fans waiting outside the hotel for us.

As I got down, I heard a bunch of girls shouting my name. We were given strict instructions on not to meet any fans whatsoever, and hence, all I could do was wave and smile at them.

Like always, there was an energy drink waiting for us at the entrance of the lobby.

I thanked the man, who was serving it, before walking further with Kamlesh beside me. We stood at one spot, gulping down the glass while speaking.

Kamlesh looked behind me and a smile made its way on to his face, before he waved at the person.

I turned around to look at the person, but the speed at which I turned was too much for the liquid in the glass, that it splashed out and fell on Meher's shirt.

"Just when I thought I wouldn't drop anything on you today...." I said.

"Just when I thought I wouldn't have anything dropped on me today...." Meher chuckled.

"Mai bol raha hu na, tum dono ka kuch connection hai." Kamlesh stated.

"Jo bhi girana hai girao, lekin khud mere upar, ya mere pyaar mei mat giro." Meher played along.

I stood there, blushing, not knowing what to reply to that.

"Did I just make "The Shubman Gill" blush?" Meher asked Kamlesh, while double quoting my name in the air.

"I guess, you did." Kamlesh teased, nudging my elbow, which caused more liquid to drop on Meher's shirt.

"Is it like a rule to drop things on Meher?" She asked us, shaking her head with a smile.

"Not sure about me, but that's definitely in his book of rules." Kamlesh chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, really funny guys." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry again, Meher." I chuckled.

"It's okay. I'm honestly used to it now." She laughed.


Behind her stood three people, two guys and a girl.

"Oh hey!" She said, after she had turned around.

"You're speaking to Shubman Gill and Kamlesh Nagarkoti?" The girl asked in astonishment.

I smiled at her, as Kamlesh said, "More like Shubman Gill is apologising for spilling his drink on her, while Kamlesh Nagarkoti is laughing."

Meher chuckled along with Kamlesh at that, before she said, "Oh, by the way, guys, this is Meeth, Naksh and Sidiksha. They're all my cousins. And, you guys obviously know these two." Meher spoke, looking at her cousins.

"You guys also studied BBA before joining Pixel?" I asked them.

"Well, yeah." The guy named Meeth chuckled.

"It's like a family tradition to keep a back up before you go forward to pursue your interest." The other guy, Naksh said.

As Kamlesh spoke to them, I noticed Meher looking at me with an impressed look on her face.

"What?" I asked her, chuckling.

"Not bad, you actually remember the academy's name too." She stated.

"Memory game too strong." I smirked.

"Damn, I'm already impressed." She joked, slightly chuckling.

Honestly, I was impressed myself too, that I actually remember, because I'm someone who tends to forget things easily.

But I'm glad I remember.


Sorry for the late update. I've got too many assignments lately. 🙉
Anyway, don't forget to vote. 💕

Also, I was reading 'Just Friends' today, and man, I cringed so much. Like, what was I even thinking! 😂


~ Naukrani - Maid

~ Mai bol raha hu na, tum dono ka kuch connection hai. - I'm telling you, you guys have some sort of connection.

~ Jo bhi girana hai girao, lekin khud mere upar, ya mere pyaar mei mat giro. - Drop whatever you want on me, but don't fall on or for me.

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