Chapter 18.

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Shubman's POV-

I knocked on the door a couple of times but there was no response.

Well, I could try some luck with the lock.

I twisted the knob, and to my luck, the door wasn't locked. Poking my head inside, I saw Meher asleep on the bed.

I stepped inside and closed the door, before walking towards her. I kneeled down infront of the bed and looked at Meher.

There were tear stains on her face, plus the pillow.

"God, I feel so terrible." I mumbled to myself.

I really did feel terrible. I've been ignoring her after that incident, and I hate it. It isn't easy for me to watch her being upset everytime I walk away from her.

It isn't even her fault. She doesn't even know that I like her.

I noticed a small notepad and a pen beside the pillow. Taking it in my hand, I read what was written on it.


I couldn't help but smile at what she had written. Meher is such a kid from the inside.

I picked up the pen and wrote on the notepad too.

He may be mean, but he's really sorry for what he has done. He feels like a complete idiot for hurting you, and would do anything to fix it because you mean so much to him.

I kept the pen and the notepad back at its place before running my fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and kissed her forehead.

As much as I wanted to stay right there and keep looking at her, I just knew I shouldn't. I stood on my feet and after taking one last glance at her, I made my way towards the door.

I quietly walked down the hall and to the coffee place. After ordering a coffee and a sandwich, I sat on one of the tables.

"Why does this have to be so hard?" I asked myself.

I remember, the day the India squad for Australia was announced, Meher was so happy. She was at the SRH session and couldn't wait to see me and Kamlesh.

She even returned back to the hotel thirty minutes earlier to congratulate us. The minute I entered the hotel, Meher was already hugging Kamlesh and that made me quite jealous.

When she noticed me, she pulled away from him and ran to me, but before she could say or do anything, I told her that I was too tired and walked away to my room. I knew she was upset because her face gave it all, but so was I.

Well, she did congratulate me the next day at practice, but I quickly said thanks and walked away.

I know, I know, that was really rude of me, but I was pissed and jealous. I'm just so tired of ignoring her, and that too for nothing.

Why am I even ignoring her? Oh, because, I'm jealous. Really nice reason there, Shubman.

"Ugh!" I groaned, keeping my forehead against my palm.

"I should really stop behaving like this. It's so childish of me." I told myself.

Sipping my coffee, the only thing I was wondering about was how would I apologise to Meher.

"Hey, you fine?" Someone asked, keeping his hand on my shoulder. I turned my head around and saw Kamlesh.

"Hey. Yeah.. uhm.. I'm fine. Come sit."

"I uh.. wanted to talk about what happened today during practice." Said Kamlesh.


"Yeah, I know, it was really rude of me to behave that way." I added.

"I just wanted to ask if you're doing fine. All good, yeah?"

"Yeah, all good. It's just that there's too much pressure now."

It was partially true though.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Uhm.. no, it's okay. It's fine anyway. Let's talk about you." I stated.

I wanted to confront him about his and Meher's relationship, but I didn't want to poke my nose into someone else's business. That's not who I am.

But I also wanted to know what was going on between him and Meher. Kamlesh has never hid anything about any girl, but this was the first time.

"Well, there's nothing about me to talk." He chuckled, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Kamlesh, did you write this?"

I turned around and saw Meher with the notepad in her hand. The second her gaze met mine, she stiffened.

"Write what?" Asked Kamlesh.

"This." Meher said, walking towards him and handing him the notepad.

"No.... this handwriting is...." Kamlesh mumbled, before looking at me.

I slowly shook my head indicating him to not take my name. He looked unsure, but I nodded my head.

"This handwriting is.. uh.. mine, uh.. y-yeah... yes, I wrote this."


Meher sounded disappointed.

"I was hoping it was someone else." She mumbled to herself, but I was quick enough to grasp it.


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