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1989 Japan. Not a bad time at all. You Are an American, but your father married a Japanese woman after his divorce and so you moved here.

It's not that bad here. Sure stuff is expensive, but Yen is a lot less or...more? Than the american dollar? Shit if you know.

Highschool isn't bad either. Your not famous, but people know you, your friends anyway. Decent grades, A here. B here. Occasionally C(to which your step mother goes ballistic when she sees) but overall life is good.

Sure you miss your friends, but hey, you've made new ones. Your name is (Y/n) Supedo. Well, it's (y/n) Spade but in japan you've ended up using the Japanese version of your name.

Now. Let's start at the beginning. It was a Monday morning, and just like every week, you had school.


"(Y/n). (Y/n) get up" your father said as he called up to your room. "Your mother is gonna flip if she learns you slept in again!" You sigh as you sit up and rub your eyes. Combing your fingers through your hair as you swept it back and out of your eyes.

You had always been concidered Attractive at school, not super attractive, but just enough to catch the eyes of a few girls. But that was really it.

You liked it that way, not being super attractive but you did like the looks you got from.those girls who just happened to look your way.

Getting out of bed you stretch, a large scar on your back being highlighted by the sunshine through your window.

A few years ago you were in a car accident, nobody died but you were in the hospital for stitches on your back. Ever since then you've had a slight fear of driving, but you still drove...just...more cautious than most.

Picking up a pair of pants off the floor you brought them up to your nose and sniffed. "Hmm." You hummed and shrugged "Smells clean" you set them down and hold them open.

Lifting one leg up and dropping them in before repeating the action with your other leg. Hopping a little to get the pant legs from under your feet, you pulled them up. Grabbed your belt and looped it around.

Your alarm went off just in time. Turning around and clicking the snooze as you returned your gaze to your closet.

Pulling one of the doors open you grabbed a white dress shirt from a hanger and slipped it on. Not bothering with the tie yet, so it was left open, exposing your slightly toned chest.

You had always been a believe in personal health, you worked out at the gym every Saturday and Tuesday and went on morning jogs every Friday and Sunday. You weren't super thin, but you never gave up your love of fast food. McRonalds is good stuff.

Grabbing a fresh pair of socks your dad called up again "Son hurry! You've got 20 minutes!"

"Yea yea!" You called down. You were a nice guy, most if the time, you had slight anger issues mainly when people tried to rush you when you had time, or tried to con you or something. But besides that you were known as a nice person.

"Wait...where's my..." Doing a quick 360 in your room as you looked for you bag you spotted it on your bean bag in the corner, next to your TV and game system. An Atari. Nothin Special.

A small stack of cartridges were beside it. Mainly a series called "5 Pizzas at Randy's."

"Right" flipping the large flap to the other side you made sure everywas still in it. Once you confirmed it was you stood back up and hopped on one feet as you slipped your remaining sock on your other foot.

Female Jotaro X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now