1 - First Day On The Job

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"So,have you decided on what you're going to do?" asked my mom as she was making me and for herself a cup of green tea. I was disappointed in myself,my three job applications got rejected for three days straight and it made me give up on looking for a job. I was about to tell my mom that I give up but then she placed her hand on my shoulder and sat down with the two cups of green tea with a warm smile "Look,I know that you're not happy with your applications getting rejected but don't give up,there has to be someone that can offer you a job" she said as her hand was still on my shoulder,I give her a small smile but then I looked away as I was sipping the tea from my cup. "I'm greatful for your kidness mom,but everytime I try to find a job and then do an interview,it gets rejected and I have to come home,empty handed,feeling ashamed for not providing money to our family" I said to her,feeling upset,I was about to start crying but then I got pulled into my mother's embrace. "Don't say that my dear,you're trying your absolute best to find a job and you never gave up,so please,never give up" she said as he placed her hand on my head,gently moving it up and down. I lift my head up to face my mother with a smile,I was filled with determination and hope! "Thank you,I'm glad that my brothers,dad and I have you" I said as I wiped off my tears.


I was in my room,lying on my bed,scrolling through my social media accounts and mostly the internet,still looking for a job. As I was about to turn off my phone and stare at the ceiling,I noticed a site that offers a job as an assistant for a reality TV show,I clicked on the website and read the rules for how to get the job,but there was a twist! I had to make a video of my talking about why I wanted the job,so it was like an interview but in a form of an audition tape! That sounds too easy but to be honest,it's not. I had to think about how to say it on camera and let me tell you,it made me nervous. I tried over and over to make this audition tape but I either mess it up or I forgot what I was about to say! "I feel so hopeless.." I said to myself under the pillow,but then I had an idea!

"Why don't I just tell them why I want this job straight up!"

Yes,of course! I was doing this wrong the whole time!


"Alright,I think I finally did it" I said to myself as I review the audition video to myself,I finally knew the right words to say and how to express my troubles and emotions into the video and once the video ended,I felt proud of myself for doing it right! Now the only thing that I have to do is to send it to the person that is collecting the audition videos on the website and I did just that,I turned off my phone and rest my head on the pillow "Now...I can rest and check my email tomorrow morning" I said to myself as I covered myself with the blanket and close my eyes,falling into a deep sleep.


I wake to the sound of the birds,singing happy chirps by my window,I lifted myself up from my bed and get dressed,hoping for the day that something good is going to happen. I check my phone to see that I have received no email,I was starting to lose hope,but then I thought to myself "Maybe they're checking the videos today?" which made me calm down and head to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I walk down the stairs to see my older brother and my mom,eating scrambled eggs and drinking some tea "Morning" I said as I sat down to eat breakfast "Morning sis,so how's your 'looking for a job' journey?" said my brother (B/N),I sighed heavily,not in the mood to talk about it,but I know that he didn't mean it in a bad way "It's not going well" I said with my head down,feeling ashamed of myself "Aw come on sis,I'm sure that you will get accepted somewhere" he said,reassuring me that everything will be okay,my mother agrees with him as she placed her homemade french toast in front of us and we started to eat,then all of a sudden my phone got a notification,I checked my phone and it was an email from the site that I sended my video to. I opened the mail and read it slowly and my eyes were filled with tears,both my brother and mother noticed my sudden expression "Are you okay sis?" Asked my brother,looking a little bit confused,while my mother looked worried "Yeah,what happened?" she asked,I look at them with a smile "I..I finally got accepted! I got a job as an assistant!" I hugged both of them,finally feeling happy with myself,my brother and mother were proud of me. "But I have to leave tomorrow morning to catch the bus and then a boat with the guy that accepted my job application" I said to them. "Alright,I wish you luck sis" said my brother "You will do great Y/N" said my mother with a smile "I'm not going to disappoint you guys,I'm gonna do my best!" I said with determination.

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