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"So? You want to talk to my father? please carry on...I am waiting in the lobby... Once you are done with talking to him...let me know.. I will also be extremely happy, if the wedding is cancelled..." Jungkook smirked sarcastically and left the room...

With fuming anger, Sejun gritted his teeth and fisted... He is unable to bear the insolence of Jungkook that he wants to hold collar of both father and son and ask for an explanation to bring such situation to their family...

"Let's go Jin...let's talk to Mr.Jeon and inform him about cancelling the event...you don't deserve this kind of nonsense..nor our family... You can get a gentle man who can take care of you wonderfully...this brat is not a march for you at all..." his nostrils flickered.. his face is turning red with raising anger minute by minute...

On the other hand, Jin is sad, disappointed and thoughtful too..
He looked at his brother with a lot of grief in his eyes...his eyes are still teary and mournful... His heart is pounding at the situation.. none of this consequences were expected or at least pressumed by him or his family! Jin thought everything will go smoothly and he will be welcomed by Jungkook into his life...indeed he thought that Jungkook will be as gentle as his father and as sophisticated as his father! But everything is topsy-turvy now...have no clue what to do or how to do...in a weak voice he spoke based on his thoughts that are eating him up for the past few minutes...

"Hyung...Mr.Jeon loves me and respect me a lot ... but what will be his condition once he learns that we have decided to call off the wedding?!  Won't he be extremely disappointed with us? Doesn't it sound disrespectful to him of making such decision? Doesn't it make him feel that we are degrading his respect and reputation?" Jin voice has the immeasurable sadness..
Sejun eyes git widened....

"Jin! Don't be so kind soft to Mr.Jeon too...our family has reputation too as most respectful family in our place.. that's why Mr.Jeon came to ask for your hand for his son! Calling off the wedding is going to damage our respect too... We will also be pointed out for a mistake that is not fault... anyway, I am sure that he knows well about his son's mindset...he knows how Jungkook would behave with you in your post married life...he has an idea as what kind of painstaking it will be for you to live a married life with a brat like Jungkook.. Yet he didn't think about you but only about his son! He expects you to take care of Jungkook but not the other way around! Isn't it unjustful and selfish of him?" Sejuns eyes are taking deep red shade now..

"Hyung... I don't think Mr. Jeon wants my life to be in trouble...but he is expecting me to give a good and happy life to his son and vice versa... That's why he said that, for a kind yet childish metality like Jungkook, I am the right match..He must have thought that I will eventually change his son's attitude and make him a mature personality... If we cancel the wedding, it is like I am letting his belief down.. it is like I am letting his faith in me down..." Sejun is now in disbelief that Jin is trying to think from the perspective of Mr.Jeon and convince him..

"Look Jin.. you sound like you don't have any problem from marrying Jungkook... But as your sibling and well wisher, I can't let you put your life in soup ....I appreciate that you have the ability to look at the matter from the other side too ..but what if Jungkook makes your life hell after marriage? Can you lead a hard life that you never assumed of? Can mom and dad or I will be able to live in peace after knowing that you are unhappy in your married life with this silly idiot? Don't stress yourself by thinking from the other's end..." Sejun tried to make Jin understand...but Jin looked unconvinced and scared...
Sejun understand the dilemma of Jin..
Jin doesn't want to show portrayal the situation as if his family have the problem with wedding... Jin doesn't want Mr.Jeon to feel uncomfortable because of any situation that occurs in an unthoughtful decisions of his family...
Jin wants Me.Jeon to learn the truth...

Sejun held Jin's wrist softly and tenderly said,
"Jinnie, I understand what do you feel right now... I know how you feel it too...I don't want you to stress over this matter....! Okay, Let's not talk about calling of the wedding.. but at least let's take the marriage contract matter to the view of Mr.Jeon? Let him know what his son wants...and then say something about it?" He looked into Jin eyes for his agreement...Jin nodded... He knows that he can't do anything now but to let his employer know about it... Jin doesn't want to hide anything from Mr.Jeon just because he loves Jungkook very much and dreamed till now to get married to him!!! Weirdly, Sejun idea to call off the wedding sounds a threat to Jin too!! It is because he fucking loves Jungkook...Jin knows that jungkook may toss his anytime or after one year if he signs this contract... Yet Jin is unable to overcome his feelings for Jungkook!!

He feels disgusted at the idea of marriage contract.. he doesn't want to sign it...yet he cannot take away the dreams that he already dreamt about his married life with Jungkook!! When everyone in office looked at him with jealousy, he smirked and felt proud about his marriage with Jungkook...but today, calling off this wedding, he will give a chance to all of them to laugh at him tomorrow...
'Why did I love you Jungkook? Why are you doing this to me? And what have I done wrong to you that you come up with revenge? why do you want to break my dreams? who gave you right to do so?" Jin eyes filled with fresh tears...

Sejun heart is paining looking at the tears if his brother...
"Now stop thinking Jinnie... We have no choice but to speak it off .. let's not waste out time in a dilemma..."he pulled Jin wrist to take him to Mr.Jeon...

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