27 | padlock

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So many things had been happening at once. In the blink of an eye, everything felt so different.

And because, well, it was.

Zayn left without a real goodbye. He left a note on my pillow in my room, but nothing else. It was short and he simply thanked me and my family for letting him stay.

Something had been off that day but then again so had every other.

And then we were all focused on the court trail even when we didn't need to be. Somehow, Niall and Liam had good lawyers. Very good lawyers. And there was strong cases on both sides.

It kept Layla up at night with nightmares.

She didn't want to sleep in her own room despite new locks put on the windows. Even after any sign of it's darkest night were completely erased. So she stayed in my room.

We all found it strange to adjust to the new Layla. She started talking to other people than just me, but still always stayed so quiet.

Slowly things started to feel normal again as the court leaned in our favor. But nothing was anywhere close to perfect.

Everyone tried to move on like nothing happened. But it's like a scar had cut deep into the town. So many lives had been lost here, a daunting reality that makes you feel like the earth will open up beneath your feet one day. And then just swallow you whole.

But you have to move on and act like there's nothing wrong.

"Here's your change, ma'am. And have a nice day." I hand the lady her change and coffee before wiping down the countertop like we're told to do at least every two hours.

"Still getting used to being back?" Hannah asks as she comes back from clearing off a few tables.

"Yeah. I feel like I've aged five years but it's only been a few weeks." I sigh. "Of course that's probably nothing compared to my step sister."

"How is she, anyway?" Hannah asks.

"I wish I could say 'better' but it's not really much of an improvement. She talks, at least, but she's nothing like herself these days." I throw the damp cloth into the bucket before turning back to my best friend. "I'm not sure her mom has fully comprehended what actually happened to her."

"I can't imagine going through something like that." She sighs.

"I just hope she can be herself again someday, as much of a brat she could be before." I look out the windows at the people walking down the street outside the cafe. "Is it horrible of me to say that?"

"Yeah, kind of." She laughs.

"I just wish there was something I could do."

"Well maybe you should do something to cheer her up. Take her somewhere fun." Hannah suggests.

"I think right now what she needs is time and normal visits with her therapist." I shrug. "I don't know if there's anything else anyone can do."

"Well at least she's seeing a therapist."

More customers walk in and Hannah moves out of their way, taking the bin of dishes in her hands to the back sink.


"Harry?" I call, confused and a bit scared as I step up the wooden stairs on his front porch. And his door is wide open. "Harry?"

Nothing looks out of place as I walk inside and shut the front door behind me.

I hear someone moving around upstairs and move in that direction without a second thought. "Harry?"

When I reach the top step, I freeze. Because there at the end of the hall, is the mysterious padlocked door. And it's wide open.

Stepping closer, my curiosity gets the better of me.

I peak inside. And see another pair of stairs that must lead to some sort of attic.

I hear someone.

"...not kidding. Leave her out of this. She thinks the murderer has been caught. She doesn't need to know anything else."

I freeze. That's Harry's voice.

There's a pause and I suspect he's on the phone.

"And don't go blabbing about it either, Tomlinson--yes I know you're not stupid. I was just saying."

I don't know if I should make my presence known. But my curiosity is killing me. I want to know what is up these stairs. I don't want to feel this guilt of eavesdropping. And I want him to explain what he just said.

"Good. Call me back when it's done."

There's another pause before I hear him sigh. I assume he has hung up once I hear his clanking around again.

I wait a full three agonizing minutes before walking slowly up the steps. "Harry?"

When I reach the top, I'm awestruck and ever so slightly terrified.

All sorts of rifles, knives, guns and even a set of bow and arrows hang along the walls.

"Hey, baby." Harry smiles, showing no concern for the fact that I've just walked into his weaponry attic. He strides over to me, placing a kiss on my forehead. "What are you doing here?"

"Your front door was wide open." I tell him.

"Oh, the latch has been messed up for a while now. Sometimes the wind will blow it open if it's not locked." He shrugs, fiddling with something in his hands.

I glance down and realize its a long knife. In his other hand, some kind of cloth.

"So this is what's behind the mysterious padlocked door." I say.

"It's nothing special, really. I used to hunt a lot, and so did my dad. So when he died, I inherited a lot of his gear. This was the only place I could really put everything. The lock is just for extra protection." As he talks, he shines the blade of the old-looking knife with the cloth in his hands.

"It's kind of comforting." I smile up at him. "Knowing my man can protect me."

Harry just smiles. Leans in like he's going to kiss me. And then turns back to the table he was working at before and sets down his knife.

"So why are you up here?" I ask in curiosity.

"Sometimes I just like to come up here and think." He shrugs, his back still to me as he puts a few things away into a wooden box.

I nod. Open my mouth to ask another question. And then close it again. "I-umm.. who were you talking to on the phone?"

I see his muscles tense in his back. "Erm.. no one."

"Harry." I walk closer, placing a hand on his back.

"It was someone I knew a long time ago. Sort of like how I knew Niall." Harry explains with a sigh, finally turning to face me. "It's a long story."

"You don't have to tell me." I say. "But if there's something I don't know, something you're hiding from me..."

"I would never purposely keep you in the dark about anything, Mason." Harry insists. "There's just some things I don't like to talk about."

I nod. I could have been making connections that weren't there when I overheard a fragment of his conversation. "Okay."

And I believed him. I really did. Although I'm not sure I should have.


Sorry this is crap and so so short BUT LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK LITTLE LOVES!

-Lena xx

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