4- Hang out with pie and Kris!

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We came back to the class and the teacher was talking about the humans and monster souls and how they where different in a way. It was a little boring for me. I only watched the outside from the small window that there was, it was pretty... I felt someone yet again tap my shoulder. I looked at the person, it was Kris again.
"Need anything?" I whispered to them, I just noticed that they where writing something in a paper, which then gave it to you. It read:
'Hello, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house, you can have some of my mom's butterscotch and cinnamon pie and work on our homework'
You looked at them and nodded, but you had to find a way to get away from your home and visit you friend.
"I'll see you maybe some minutes after school ends!" You whispered again.
After the classes ended, I finally could go home, Kris followed you along which didn't bothered you, but it was if your mother noticed that they where with you....

POV Kris
I walked with Y/N to their house to make sure they go safe. I don't actually believe they are in a good condition since I saw their lunch already... but well maybe it was today because they didn't had food.
"Okey, here is my house, wait for a little bit... I need to ask permission..."
I heard them say, which I nodded and I was outside standing and waiting for them to come out... maybe I should go and wait for them to come...? Or no... that would be bad of me... Maybe....

I entered my house for me to be greeted by my mother
"O-oh! Hi mom! Ho—"
"Who was that kid just outside?" Shit... she knows about Kris....
"Um, they are a partner... in class we have to have a packet of homework together s-so can I go to their house?" I'm fucked... my mother won't let me.... unless is work for two or more....
"Are you sure you don't know them? Remember what I told you child, No friends or buddies, just good grades and classes... but I guess if they are just a PARTNER then I believe I can let you...." I hate my life....
"Y-yeah, we will just go to their house and do the packet of human and monster souls the teacher gave to us... yeah?"
"Alright. But I will be watching you young one"
I hate her... I just really need a friend, she also begs me to know EVERYTHING about myself, of course I lie, I always do, thank god she doesn't know that my grades are that bad... I have a little strategy for that so I don't need to worry about it so much... I walked out back of my house and Kris was still there...
"Can we go now? Please?" I asked. They nodded once again and started to walk to their house...

It wasn't a really long walk, just 4 minutes and we where there, a cute red house with a red car parked outside. Kris opened the door and took their shoes off letting me in first, I also took my shoes off.

*The house is cozy and warm

You started looking and wondering around before you heard a sweet female voice speak.
"Kris! Is that you my child?" Just for then to reveal a tall goat woman on the kitchen, she had a baking apron on and some cute purple glasses on.
"Oh! You brought a friend! Hello! I am Toriel! I am the kindergarten teacher, and the mother of Kris" she smiled to you... you felt your heart ache but in a good way, she is so nice!!!
"N-nice to meet you ma'am! My name is Y/N!" I answered, I couldn't help but smile back at her.
"Y/N? Oh! You are that person Kris was talking about yesterday? They said that they met you at the lake! It's always nice to meet Kris's friends"
So she knows about me already, I looked back to see Kris a little flustered, they where cute that way, so you smiled at them also, making them blush even more. It was now that you noticed the sweet sent.
"Do I smell pie?" You asked
"Correct! It's my specialty! Butterscotch and Cinnamon pie! It's Kris's favorite pie!" She said while taking out of the oven a big pan with pie in it, it looked and smelled so good! Kris seem impatient.
"Oh right! You can start doing the homework! I will bring you the pie right away" Toriel was already preparing the pie with (Favorite beverage) and whipped cream. She gave both of us a piece of the pie and the beverage.
"If you need anything I'll be upstairs grading some work" she walked upstairs leaving us both alone. So we set stuff up and started with the school packet.
Kris spoke out in a low and raspy voice
"I am sorry about my mom... she loves to have visitors..." their tone seemed to hint that they where embarrassed, while later the bite into their pie.
"It's okey! I like Ms. Toriel! She seems nice!" You answer while also eating the pie, and so, you both began your work.

*The pie is both sweet and spicy, almost a perfect combo!

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Progress saved!! End of "Hang out with pie and Kris" See you later!

"Psycho for you, but can't control it..." Yandere!Kris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now