5- Weeks of Kris and Dark World

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It has passed four weeks since I've been in the secret friendship with Kris, and my parents don't suspect a thing. It is a little hard for me to tell them to stay silent about my parents also. Susie and Noelle where also other friends but I got along better with Kris than with anyone else. But lately I've noticed that they sometimes don't talk at all or just watch me weirdly... I have no idea why they do that but I just believe they are happy to have me as a friend!
This is a Friday! So it's almost time to rest for the next week, I am thinking of going to the Pizza place there is near the school with the group, but Susie had other plans.
"Kris? Should we show her... the... thing?" She asked the green sweater teen, in which they nodded and looked at you.
"Come and meet us after school ends, near the closet" They said blackly
"S-Sure? Alright, I'll be there, so wait for me you two..."
And so, the day had passed. And all the monsters where on their way to their houses. You just had to pack somethings on you backpack, thank god Kris was there, so you weren't alone. They where staring at you all the time, you blushed a little bit, and just when you finished they looked at you, smiled and said
"You look cute when you are in a hurry" just to walk out of the classroom... you didn't know why, but you felt more blush on your face, but eventually followed them.
"Hey!! Kris! Y/N!-" she screamed, but then she shut up for a second "No one else is here right? No more monsters nor Ms, Alphys?"
"No... I don't think there are any other monsters in here... but well... why are we in here?" You asked
"Well... this is going to be crazy... but beyond this closet" Kris opened the closet, and after they did a dark fog came out of it "It's another world... Me and Susie believe it's a parallel world to ours, but in a way, it can collide with our world..." Susie nodded in excitement and you had a worried expression
"Come on Y/N!! It will be fine!! We come here all the time!!— well... all the time before you came along" she shrugged a little annoyed at the last part "But well!! You are part of 'the fun gang' welcome! Kris is the leader, I am the co-leader and there are another guys in the closet that you will meet later!"

*You are confused...

"Well... before we get in... should we go visit Ralsei and ask about what she can be in the legend?" Kris asked before jumping into the closet... It didn't had any flooring!! And they just fell in!!
"Well!!! I believe so!! He know more about this than we do!! Come on Y/N jump in!" She grabbed you by your shirt and pulled you into the closet and then soon after she jumped too...

It felt like hours... until suddenly... BLAM you hit the ground and your vision turned blurry...
"......Y/N......." you heard a voice talk....
".......Oh my god!!! Kris!! I think I killed them!!!......" Susie and Kris's voice was starting to clear up more...
".....I-Is she okey...?" An unfamiliar voice asked
"HOHOHO!!! Oh? That is a cool cape they are wearing!...." CAPE?!
You sat up, scared of those two new voices, but you noticed that yeah! You where wearing a cape, all with (Your Dark World Cloth!) and you looked over at Kris confused
"O-oh! They are awake! Hi there! I'm Ralsei! Prince of the Dark World! This is—" the small figure interrupted the cute fluffy boy
"I'M LANCER!!! The King of spears!!" He laughed, he also was cute, so you giggled a bit and got up, just for you to hear a small growl from Kris, they seemed to be looking at Lancer, frustrated... Maybe he doesn't like him that much? Well, who knows?

*The power of fluffy boys and small spears babies is with you...

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Progress saved!! End of "Weeks of Kris and Dark World" See you later! I

"Psycho for you, but can't control it..." Yandere!Kris x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя