8- Awkward moment with mother

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(Authors note: I just wanted to say thanks to all of you! The story is getting more attention than I thought. If you have any ideas or suggestions for it you are free to tell it in the comments! I want to try and make the story as enjoyable as possible! Now, let's get to your adventure of the chapter shall we?)


 It had passed a few months since you've moved in, everything in your house was now done, and it had been a while too since Kris had confessed and you rejected them...
but you still where pretty good friends, they changed over the time again, trying to be less shy, and more talkative, you even gifted them a hair pin for their hair, which they used almost everyday.
You where happy with Kris as a friend, another day in school, you had to do another project.
This time you partnered with Susie and Kris again, you where all going to meet at your house, but you didn't want to do so... Even after arguing a little with Susie about it she still didn't wanted a 'no' as an answer.

"How about better in Kris's house? I-It will be nicer!" You suggested while looking at the human
"No, my mother has a teacher meeting and she will be late. So I can't bring you guys in" they said almost immediately
"And you guys literally can't come to my home... really don't." Susie said, a little worried "And why don't you want us in your house Y/N? You know that we can also stay here or go to the library?"
You remained silence for a while...
"But... my mother never lets me out of the house..." you whispered while looking down a little
"(Y/N) it's OK, Susie and I will be here for you... doesn't matter what" Kris responded smiling at you. You brush little and felt a blush come up your face.






You smiled a little while looking at Kris, your blush still in place.

"Thanks guys... I really needed help, but if my mom asks you if you are my friends, just please tell her that you are only partners for the project"

You were nervous at that they would deny the request. They took it well, again saying that you'll be ok with them in your company. You got up and started walking with your HUMAN and DINO friends back to your house. It was a short walk but it was a nice one too.

"Hey!! (Y/N)! It's snowing!" Susie said while shaking you a little, you turned... It was. it was a beautiful snow show falling from the sky.

"I've never had seen snow before... wow" You looked up at the snow falling onto your face, it was cold... You felt some fabric wrapping around your neck. Kris was wrapping their scarf on your neck.

"Kris! It's not necessary! Don't worry about it" You said to them, they looked at you with a blank expression.

"Its ok, you have it. My sweater already keeps me warm, so no worries" They smiled at you "And I think green fits you quite well! So please, you have it, I insist" 



*The smile of Kris makes you blush.



"Y-yeah, thanks... I will be right back I have to tell my mom before you come in" You said while starting to walk inside your house, your mother was in the kitchen making some food.

"Mom? Can some partners come in? We have a project-" Your mother interrupts you 

"YES. But as soon as you finish, you have to do the rest of your work, alright?" She said not even turning to see you, so all you do is open the door and let your friends come in. Susie started to look around, while Kris just stared at you mother angrily... But why?

"You have a nice house (Y/N)! I'm impressed, it is warm too" She turns to see your mother "OH- darn it..." She sighs, it wasn't her nature being nice, but at least she tried to be polite. "I'm Susie, I am their partner, and this is-"

"Kris Dreemurr." They said before sitting down on the floor and taking the materials out with Susie... Your mother seemed a bit angry with you, which made you feel really anxious the rest of the time you and your team worked.

*Your mother's glare through the project time made you anxious... A shadow in the hallway is coming closer. Just to stop and watch you and the gang keep doing the project.

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Progress saved!! End of "Awkward moment with mother" See you later!

"Psycho for you, but can't control it..." Yandere!Kris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now