Chapter 16 - Barcelona

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Katalina's POV

"We're late," Neymar puts his car in drive.

"No, we can't be," I refuse. "I'm a mess."

"You're beautiful," he says sternly. "We're going to pick up Davi and go."

"Alright," I comply.

Neymar has just picked me up from the airport in Barcelona.

I agreed the last time that he was in New York to visit him and Davi in Barcelona for a change and that time has come. I got Jen to help me convince our boss to give me a week off by doing overtime on projects that weren't even mine.

Two months ago, when Neymar was in town, I bought my ticket to Madrid to go see James for the end of April- right now it's March.

Antonella was one of the first few people to find out I was going to visit, so naturally she wanted to go out with me- or at least Neymar, Leo, her, and me, but Thiago had a project due for school so we arranged a nice little get together at night over at their place.

Neymar and I both know that there's a high chance of half the team showing up.

After we pick up Davi we head straight to Leo's house and we arrive in a little over twenty minutes.

"Fuck," I say after Neymar rings the doorbell.

Davi begins to giggle at me and Neymar furrows his eyebrows.

"I'm in a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers," I defend. "Sorry Davi, you can't curse till you're this tall," I bring my hand up to reach above my head.

"This tall actually," Neymar corrects me using his height.

The door swings open and a smiling Antonella pops up.

"Katalina!" She cheers and hugs me before greeting anyone else.

"Anto!" I sing as I hug her and we rejoice.

"Neymar! Davi! Come in, come in," Antonella rushes us in.

"For you," I pass her the cupcakes we bought on our way there.

"Oh, thank you guys," she smiles.

"Leo!" Neymar cheers as Lionel comes out to the kitchen.

Neymar and him greet each other and Leo greets Davi before coming over to me.

"Katalina," he smiles and brings me in for a hug.

I get a bit emotional because it's Messi hugging me.

"Leo," I smile as we part.

"You look great, how've you been?" Lionel asks.

"Great, yeah, you guys look amazing as well-"

"It's been almost half a year, Kat," Antonella speaks up.

"Oh God," I shamefully hide my face. "I'm so sorry, I've missed you all so much."

"Dad," a voice comes from behind.

"Thiago, come say hi to Kat," Leo urges his now six year old son to say hello.

I squat down to reach his level and he comes up to me.

"Kat," he smiles.

"Thiago! You're so grown," I almost exclaim.

Before I know it he gives me a hug and all the adults begin to gush.

"Thiago, you wanna go play with Davi?" Neymar says.

"Let's go!" Thiago says and the two kids run off.

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