Chapter 22 - Alejandro

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James' POV

"Oh God, no," she laughs and makes me laugh with her.

"Okay, enough," I say. "I can only be made fun of so much."

"Flight 5056 to JFK New York now boarding," a woman's voice filled up the terminal.

"Well, that's my cue," Kat presses her lips on one another before getting up from her seat. "Remember, be calm and nice."

"Always," I give her a smile before she leans down and leaves a kiss on my lips.

With that she disappears into a crowd and I'm left waiting for my flight to Paris to begin boarding.

"This is going to be a terrible trip," I say to myself.

When I finally arrive in Paris, Daniela and Salomé are there to pick me up like always.

"Hey," I smile at Dani and leave a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi," she smiles back.

"Daddy!" Salomé jumps.

I pick her up instantly and leave a giant kiss on her cheek.

"Oh, sweetie," I start between kisses. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too, daddy," Salomé chuckles as she wraps her arms around my neck.

The three of us go out for lunch after I drop my things off at Daniela's place.

Paris was, of course, as nice as I remember it being. Salomé and I spent the rest of the night together as Daniela took care of some errands. We were in her room for hours playing around and she showed me all her new drawings. We got around to building a little wooden house so she could paint it and that's when Daniela got home.

"How's everything going?" She asks the two of us as she locks the door.

I get up to help her with the groceries.

"Great," I smile.

"Great!" Salo repeats and jumps a little in her seat.

"Thanks," Daniela tells me as I take the bags from her.

She follows me into the kitchen as Salomé stays at the dining room table painting.

As I put the bags on the counter and begin to take out some of the produce Dani begins to speak.

"James," she says. "He's coming over tomorrow."

"Okay," I simply say.

"I wanted to talk to you about him and about us."

The reason Daniela called last time and the reason I'm here on this little three day trip is to meet Daniela's new boyfriend.

Yes, she has a boyfriend.

I am truly happy for her, but I have to be careful with our daughter.

This trip is the perfect opportunity to talk to her about Kat.

"Good," I say as I shut the fridge. "I have to talk to you about someone, too."

"You have a girlfriend?" She sounds surprised.

"Yep," I say. "Do you remember Katalina?"

"Yeah, yeah," she begins to nod. "Good for you, James."

"Thank you," I say. "Good for you too."

There's a heavy awkward silence in the room and I'm the first to cut it short.

"Alejandro? Right?" I stop leaning on the counter.

"Yep," Daniela nods. "I'm sorry, I'm just curious, did you and her have a thing while we were married-"

"Oh, no, Daniela-"

"I just have to ask," she seems a tad relieved.

"I have to admit I had some feelings for her but I would never in a million years-"

"I know, that's alright," she gave me a sympathetic smile before we went back to silence.

"Tomorrow it is," I say before leaving the kitchen with Daniela in it.

I get back to Salomé who is almost finished with her painting before Dani comes to join us about two minutes later.

When we put Salo to bed, we head over to the dining table again and talk things out.

Daniela met Alejandro in London a couple of months back, but now it's getting super serious. She is extremely happy and is even a bit excited about us meeting. Her brother has already met him and they hit it off, so that's a bit reassuring that a teammate of mine found him to be a good person and fit for a loved one.

When she's done talking about them as a couple, I start.

It's my turn to tell all.

I start with the transfer, it truly begins there.

I tell her about Katalina being hired about the same time and how we became super close and then how she left. How I felt really down without her and how I had no idea why until we began talking again. How I realized I loved her and how it felt wrong because of our marriage and how Kat moved on and left everything behind without flinching.

I tell her about Neymar and her and about what was going on during the divorce. I tell her how she left Barcelona and went back to New York after she confronted me and she told me she was in love with me before, but how it was never going to work- and how mad she was that our timing was terrible.

And I finish up with Kat's brithday, the card, the letter, the reunion, and I vaguely tell Dani about our days in New York and Madrid and how she went back home yesterday and how this is all fairly new to us.

All I get throughout are a bunch of questions, she was evidently intrigued with this little love story, and smiles.

Daniela was supportive and insightful throughout the whole talk. I feel like we are in a better place now, having each moved on and talking like we're friends again.

We go our separate ways to bed right after and the next morning Salomé awakens me on the couch.

"Daddy," she whispers. "Are you asleep?"

I laugh at her then open my eyes.

"Not anymore," I smile. "Good morning, my love," I bring her in for a kiss on the forehead and cheek. "How'd you sleep."

"Fine, thank God," she says. "Mommy said to wake you up so you can get ready."

"Does she now?" I ask as I sit up on the couch.

"Yes, she does," Daniela says as she stomps into the room, hair half done.

"Do I have to dress up?" I ask.

"No, just be presentable," Dani tells me.

"When am I not presentable?" I mock her.

There's a knock at the door and I get up to go answer.

"What time is it?" Daniela asks before looking at a wall clock. "No!" She yells as I open the door.

"Hi.." a guy says holding what looks to be a pastry. "Um, good morning," he sticks his hand out after observing me in a white shirt and my boxers. "I'm Alejandro."

I burst out into laughter as he reveals who he is.

"James," I take his hand to shake it. "Come on in," I urge him and pat him on the back as he enters all nervously. "Excuse me for a second as I make sure I look 'presentable.'"

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