Chapter 24 - Brasil

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"This is terrible!" I look at the icing Marcelo was spreading on the cake.

"Whoa," he stops. "Did you just insult my icing?"

I dip my finger in the frosting on the side and then place some on his nose.

"So, what if I did?" I smirk.

"Everyone!" Ludy comes into the kitchen. "We got about 15 minutes!"

"You heard that?" I look over to Marcelo. "Perfect it."

"Don't worry about me, Kat," he disregards me. "You go do you."

I smile as I walk away from the kitchen to the living room.

"Kat!" Neymar yells. "Pass me that!" He begins to point at the roll of tape on the floor.

I pick it up and cut a piece off and hand that piece to him so he can secure the red balloon on the wall.

"I almost fell off these steps," he says.

"Careful now," David passes by. "Don't wanna go and drop a yard."

"Very funny, David," Neymar begins to mock as he steps down from the ladder. "Thanks."

"Anytime," I smile before walking behind David. "Does your offer still stand?"

"I've given you many offers- Oh!" He exclaims. "You do wanna marry me! I knew it! Okay, well, I know you'd like a wedding in September, but June is kinda my jam so-"

"About Paris," I chuckle.

"Duh," he smiles. "Come on over whenever. Honestly, come live with me."

"You're finally going to visit!" Thiago jumps into the conversation.

"With permission from you two," I smile.

"Kat," Caro places her hand on my waist, making me turn.

"Excuse me," I tell Thiago and David.

"Of course!" They both yell as I walk away.

"I'm going to stay just about an hour," Caro tells me.

"No," I frown. "How come?"

"Davi is already tired and the party hasn't even started," she frowns.

"Okay, okay," I nod. "I understand."

"Let's see how he is an hour from now though," Caro begins to nod. "I'd love to stay."

"Fingers crossed," I smile.

"Help!" I hear Marcelo yell from the kitchen.

"Oh God," I widen my eyes before excusing myself and rushing to the kitchen.

"Marcelo," Willian begins to scold him.

"You're ridiculous, you know that right?" I cross my arms to find Marcelo looking down at a drop of icing on his white shirt.

"What am I going to wear now?" He looks up in genuine concern.

"Jesus Christ," Neymar shows up and grunts at a dramatic Marcelo.

"Give me that," I take the tube of icing out of his hand and finish up his job.

"Okay, everyone," Gaby starts. "In positions, please."

Fifteen minutes after Ludy announced his upcoming arrival, Oscar comes through the door of his old home.

"Surprise!" We all jump up from behind the furniture in the living room.

A giant smile is plastered on Oscar's face before he covers his face with both his hands and Ludy comes up from behind him, resting her hands on his shoulders and whispering something in his ear.

"Thank you, thank you," Oscar begins to say as the clapping and cheering around the room begins to disperse.

His family goes up to him first to congratulate him and then the guys from his teams begin to start.

"Hi!" I say as it's my turn to greet him.

"Kat!" He exclaims. "So good to see you!"

"I've missed you so much!" I leave a kiss on his cheek. "I have so much to tell you!"

"You do? Yes, I can't wait," he says. "Find me later on when people begin to settle, okay?"

"Of course," I smile. "Enjoy tonight," I kiss him again. "You deserve it. Apologies for the icing on the cake, Marcelo is himself. The good side of the cake is my handy artwork."

Carolina, being my date and all, and I danced for a good half hour and for the last two songs we danced with Davi too.

Of course, Davi's night had to come to an end a couple of minutes later and I found myself talking to Gaby for the longest time.

"May I have this dance?" Neymar sticks his hand out at me.

"You may," I chuckle and leave Gaby before she went to get another drink.

Neymar and I dance for two songs before we went out back with drinks in hand.

"And, I'm going to Paris," I tell him.

I explain to him the talk I had with David after Carolina left and how we bought our plane tickets together; how we leave in a few weeks time so we can spend some time in Brazil too.

"Remember when you said you wanted to go to Paris with me?" Neymar smiles.

"Stop," I shake my head and chuckle.

Neymar just laughs at my reaction before our laughter dies down.

"You want another drink?" I finally ask.

"Yes, please," he hands me his cup.

I walk into the house again and refill each of our cups. Right before I reach the backdoor again, Neymar starts walking in.

"Here," I pass him the cup.

"Thanks," he says. "I'm afraid I have to get going after this drink."

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask, my hand still around the cup and his on mine.

"No, nothing, I just shouldn't leave Caro alone with the same responsibility as when I'm not in the country. I gotta get up early to see my family tomorrow."

"Got it," I nod.

"I'm gonna go find everyone," he says. "I'll come back to you."

"Alright," I comply. "Find Oscar first."

Neymar disappears and I'm left talking to Marcelo about Paris.

A few minutes later I text James and explain the Paris trip. I ask for suggestions for sights and he gives me a couple.

"Katalina," Neymar says, making me look up from my screen.

I had just realized I was in the corner of the room. It probably took him long to find me.

"I almost left," Neymar says. "I've been looking everywhere."

"So sorry," I inch closer.

"Goodnight, Kat."

"Goodnight, Neymar. Take care."

I lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Except he leans in, but in the same direction.

I end up kissing him a bit too close to his lips and he backs up.

"Bye," he says sternly after clearing his throat.

I stand there in awe looking past everyone as he quickly walks away to leave the party.

I finally speak after being found speechless for what felt like ages.

"Are you kidding me?" I sigh aloud.

"Kat," Oscar comes up to me soon after. "What have you been waiting to tell me?"

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