Chapter 27 - Office Party

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"This is nice," I stare at my computer screen.

"What are you doing?" Jen says as she approaches my desk. "This is a Christmas party. An office party. The only time of year you can make out with that hot co-worker of yours and not be shamed."

"You have a boyfriend," I frown at her.

"Exactly! You don't, so get on that! Plus, what happens at an Office Christmas Party, stays at an Office Christmas Party."

Jen gave me a wink before leaving me and my online shopping alone.

I did as I was told. I left my desk, got a drink and started mingling. I started talking to my coworker Ed and we spent about twenty minutes together. It seems as though neither of us wanted to be at the party, but were instead just pressured to come by our other coworkers.

"Someone left their vibrator in their desk!" Jen shouts out from atop a desk.

"What?" I ask myself.

"I think it's your vibrator," Ed spoke and pointed to my desk.

"I don't leave vibrators in my desk. I mean I don't have a vibrator at work... Or one for all you care," I explain as I walk away.

I stumble to my desk and unlock the top drawer.

I pull my ringing cellphone out when Jen appears out of nowhere.

"Aha!" She jumps and yells. "Oh, crap. I thought it actually was going to be a vibrator."

"You're very, very... Not sober," I explain as she walks away without another word.

I missed the call that was being displayed on my phone as a result of Jen and then the screen fades away.

Four missed calls.


I sit down at my office chair and begin to call him back.

"Kat," he says after two rings. "Were you busy? I'm sorry, I can call back later-"

"No, no," I say. "I just wasn't with my phone is all. What's up?"

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Good, and you?"

"Good, thanks. Listen," he says. "It's Christmas Eve- are you working?"

"No," I say. "I'm at an office party."

"Go home, Kat," he laughs.

"I'd be all alone," I point out.

"Your family," he clarifies.

"I'm going after this party," I smile.

"Good," he says. "Listen, I'm sending you an email right now, I'm visiting New York again and I was wondering-"

"Of course! I'll pick you up and you can stay over and-"

"No, no, I've got a hotel reservation, it's just me," he says. "A couple of days on business is all."

"Oh," I frown. "No Davi?"

"No Davi," he repeats.

"I'll see you next month, okay?"

"See you," I say.

"Merry Christmas, Kat."

"Merry Christmas, Neymar."

I was actually so glad to hear his voice.

I send out a text message to everyone on my phone wishing them a very happy Christmas and all my best wishes.

James thanks me and wishes me back the same.

That's the first I've spoken to him since last month. I left Madrid and exchanged my plane ticket for an earlier one once I got to the airport. When I arrived back home, I had Noori pick me up and it was as if she knew what had happened. She had this sad look in her eyes when she smiled at me sympathetically as I approached her car.

"We're on a break," was the first thing I spoke to her.

"I know you are," she frowned.

I got in and put my belongings in the backseat and we drove off.

Chris left us girls alone to talk about everything. He said he was going to go and buy us some ice cream. By the time he came back, it was almost fully melted and I asked him where he really went.

In response he showed me the keys and a copy of a lease of a house in Queens and I jumped up and hugged him.

Everything is happening so quickly and I'm still here, back at square one, figuring out my feelings for Neymar.

"I'm a terrible person," I say to myself before getting up from my desk.

I say bye to everyone and leave the office. I wish the security guards and janitors in the lobby a safe and happy Christmas as I leave the building.

Once I get to my car a couple of blocks down, I call Vivian to let her know that I'm headed to Long Island to my aunt's house and that I wish them all a happy Christmas.

I text Chris asking how everything is going because Chelsea is about ready to pop and tomorrow morning he's taking her to show her their new home, in other words, her Christmas present.

A little bit over an hour later, I arrive at my aunt's house and am greeted by my cousins.

"Kat!" The two younger ones jump on me.

"Hey!" I cheer and their mom comes over to greet me.

"Katalina," she smiles and leaves a kiss on my cheek. "Whoa," she laughs and takes one of the giant bags from my hand.

"I bear gifts!" I cheer.

"Kat!" My aunt comes out of the next room.

"Hi!" I smile and go in for a hug.

"Kat!" I can hear my dad yell from the living room.

"Coming!" I shout. "Everyone here?"

"You were the last one," my aunt says.

My cousin and I take over the bags I brought to the Christmas tree and I begin greeting everyone in the living room.

"Finally!" My brother exclaims.

"The traffic on Christmas Eve is no joke," I explain.

"Sweetie, come over here," my mom begins to serve me some food from the dining table.

"I'm starving," I rush over to her.

"Your coat," my aunt says.

"Oh, whoops," I say and hand her my coat.

"James didn't make a surprise visit?" My mom smirks.

"No," I laugh at her.

"How are you two?"

"Fine," I smile. "Guess what, mom."


"Chelsea is due in a couple of weeks!"

"That's great, sweetie," she smiles. "But let's just talk about you tonight."

"Okay," I force a smile. "I don't have much to say though."

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