His Epilogue

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James' POV

Once I finally catch my breath from laughing too hard, I exit the group that consisted of Cristiano, Sergio, Isco, Xavi, and Jordi and make my way onto the balcony.

The smile on my face begins to fade until I spot Katalina at the edge of the huge balcony, looking down on the city.

I catch her toasting with Neymar from a distance and I nod over at him with a smile and I get a nod back.

I'm happy for him since we have all moved on and I met his fiancée earlier tonight, she was great and Neymar and I truthfully get along. I can truly say I am happy for him and I can tell Kat is too.

"There you are," I say as I walk up behind Kat and place my right hand on her waist. "You wanna get out of here?"

Kat looks up from the spectacular view of the city and its lights and into my eyes.

Kat begins to smile at me, in that beautiful way that she always does- reminding me of how happy I am with her. I grin back at her and spot that hint of love in her eyes. I love her so much.

"Let's go say goodbye," she says before kissing me on my lips.

On the car ride back home I began to tell Kat everything that happened tonight and about all the stories the guys and I were reminiscing about. Kat and me spoke about how great it was to catch up with all our old friends, considering the party had both Barcelona and Real Madrid players- it was really something special.

When we arrive at our house, I turn the key in the door and swing it open. Before we go in, I plant a kiss on Kat's lips.

"I couldn't wait to get you out of that dress," I say as Kat walks down the hall of our home and begins to take off her heels.

"Don't get me started on that suit," she replies.

I run up the stairs after I lock the door and set the security code on the place, then Kat follows.

We make it to our room and I begin to take off her dress like I said before.

After that, we get into bed and talk some more.

"I've been thinking about New York," I finally speak.

"Don't worry about that anymore," Kat sits up and tells me.

"It used to mean a lot to you," I begin. "I was thinking once I retire, you can get a transfer-"

"You have another five years left, minimum," Kat interrupts and strokes my cheek.

I have my arms wrapped around her and we're as close to each other as it is humanly possible for two people to be.

"I know, but I can't help but get excited about spending the rest of my life with you," I shyly admit.

Kat chuckles lightly then looks back at me.

"That was always my mistake," she whispers. "Living in the future."

"But look how it all turned out," I point out, then leave a kiss on her cheek.

It's been five years since Kat has come to stay in Madrid with me. Five long, very special years.

We haven't spoken about marriage because we know we want to enjoy this, live a little. No talk of kids yet, we have our hands full.

I have an endless amount of plans for Kat and I after I retire at Real, but Kat always tells me we should just go live in the mountains somewhere in Colombia and I jokingly agree with her because I think back to that time we spent up in the mountains at her family's home and how special it all was.

But then I stop.

I stop living in the future and take in what is lying in front of me right now. My soul mate. I love Katalina so much, and I am forever thankful for having found her and having her in my life.

I kiss her one last time before we shift a little to finally get some desired sleep. Kat lies down on me and places her fingers between mine.

"I don't care where we live," Kat speaks. "Just as long as you're by my side."

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