Chapter 08

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"And this is the planet's tropical zone." Obi Wan explains as we jump off the gunship into a snowy terrain. I followed My Master as we both wore large jacket with our hoods up and goggles to protect our eyes from the snow and wind. I shivered at the brisk air while crossing my arms in front of my chest for extra warmth.

"It's not Tatooine, that's for sure. Captain Rex! Have your men survey the area. Place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark." Anakin instructs.

"Right away, sir. Unload that gear! Let's move!" Captain Rex shouts out to his men.

"General Kenobi!" A voice calls out as we all turn to face the two blue skinned people walking off another gunship.

"Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi. I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area." Obi Wan tells them after greeting the pair politely.

"I respect your judgment, General Kenobi, but I will go where I choose. This is sovereign Pantora territory." The blue man states rudely as my eyebrows furrow in shock at his stern outburst.

"I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore it's not aligned." I spoke up with my facts on the situation at hand.

"Our moon of Pantora is the only civilization in this system. I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us." He argues down to us once again. I stepped back slightly at his rude tone while Master Kenobi stood tall and spoke calmly.

"With all due respect, Chairman, this is for the Senate to decide, not us." Kenobi continues to attempt to stop the argument.

"Ah, but the Jedi report to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora." He motioned to the young girl around my age, beside him.

"Technically speaking, Master Jedi, the Chairman is correct. Since the planet is uninhabited, the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as its protectorate." She steps up to explain the political side of the situation.

"Point taken, Senator. Anakin, stay here with the Senator and the droids while we secure the base." Obi Wan ordered his former Padawan. Anakin agreed without argument as the rest of us made our way into the compound.

"Cold Commander?" Rex looked down to me quickly as I shivered upon the doors opening.

"I'm fine..." my voice trails off at the sight inside. The doors had opened to reveal a line of sticks poking out of the ground while clone helmets sit on top of them. Rex follows my line of sight as I trailed off. We all walked forward to inspect the scene before us, fear settling in each one of us.

"I don't get it." Rex told me as I lifted a helmet off the post to get a look at it.

"It must be Separatists." Cho stated matter of factly.

"I'm not sure." Obi Wan looked to the helmet that I held as he voiced his opinion on it. I set the helmet back where it was before following the others through the rest of the base.

"Do you think the Separatists are building a forward base to attack Pantora?" The chairman questioned as we reached the main control room, worry and demand filling his tone.

"I don't think we're dealing with Separatists, these computers haven't been touched." Kenobi reported while checking over the systems. I had been looking around with the other clones when the Captain renters the room.

"Sir! Our scouts have spotted a droid base on the other side of the ice ridge." Rex brought our attention to the new problem. I looked up at him before turning to face my Master for further instructions on the case.

"What are we waiting for then?" He spoke and with that we had been leaving the base on speeders with Anakin, Rex and a few other troopers. We hopped off the speeder when we reached the site to find a similar set up from our base, droid heads sat on sticks in the snow outside of the base.

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