Chapter 35

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"Your usefulness has come to an end." He stated pulling her out of the trance. She dropped to the ground suddenly with no life left in her.

"No!" Anakin cried out rushing forward but behind pushed back but the sons force. Tears pricked my eyes as I stumbled back in fear for the truth of what happened to my dear friend.

"The Jedi have brought me the dagger, and you have brought yourself. Now, Father, you will die." The son moved to stab him.

"Father!" The daughter jumped in the way, getting herself stabbed in the back instead, protecting her father.

"Why?" The son flew off with emotion. Anakin raced towards his fallen Padawan while I followed swiftly after, standing right beside my former master.

"My daughter, what have I done?" The father laid her down after pulling the blade from her back. Anakin's head dropped as he attempted to shake Ahsoka awake, not wanting anyone else to die.

"No" I cried, hugging Obi Wan tightly as he comforted me. "No Ahsoka"

"Do not hate him, Father." The daughter coughed. "It is his nature."

"No! All is lost. The balance has been broken. I thought by bringing you here I would... But I have destroyed everything." The father spoke.

"Can you help her?" Anakin asked through a few tears that had fallen. I stepped back from Kenobi slightly, watching with hopeful eyes.

"There is no light. The evil has been unleashed, and the dark side shall consume her." The father said darkly. I scoffed with frustration at his response and no hope to help my friend who was dead because of this mess we had been dragged into.

"You must help her!" Anakin begged.

"I cannot undo what is done. There is no hope."

"Yes, there is! There's always hope!" Anakin protested. The daughter weakly lifted her hand and motioned towards the fallen Padawan.

"Then let my daughter's last act be to breathe life into your friend." The father spoke as Anakin sat between the two and placed a gentle hand on each forehead to transfer the life. Kenobi and I shielded our eyes from the bright light as it blasted out of the trio before us. I opened my eyes to the sound of Ahsoka coughing, gasping for air. When I looked back she was sitting up slowly.

"Hey, Snips." Anakin hugged her tightly. A large and bright smile had found its way onto my tear stained face as I rushed to hug her a moment after.

"Oh, Ahsoka!" I held her tightly.

"Woah" she commented, stepping back after the hug. "What's going on?" She asked weakly with confusion.

"Uh... Not much. It's good to see you." He told her as he helped her stand to her feet. I gently picked up her lightsaber and handed it to the young Togruta who I had grown close to over my time with her, treating her like my own sister.

"As the balance in this world crumbles, so shall war escalate in your galaxy. As my son has descended into the dark side, so have the Sith gained strength." The father explained.

"We will stop your son." Anakin promised the old man.

"No! You must go, now! He needs your ship to leave the planet. You must leave before he can take it." The father protested Anakin's offer.

"What about you?" Obi Wan asked.

"I shall mourn all that I have done and all that is yet to be." He held his daughters cold hand. With silence we all turned around, leaving him alone to mourn for his loss. Obi Wan and I jumped off the small ledge and I held out a hand to help Ahsoka down after she was weakened by death.

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