Chapter 24

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"There is a traitor in the grand army of the republic and the Jedi council is trusting us to find and stop them. They think a clone helped to break Aurra sing out of the prison" my Master told me our orders.

"Where do we start?" I asked my first question, eager to start back again after being sick for the last week.

"I'm going to talk with Cody about it, they think the suspect is apart of the 212th. You can investigate the prison break out with Commander Fox" he gave me my orders.

"Yes master" I agreed with a sigh as Commander Fox did not like other people getting involved in his investigations. I got onto a speeder and made my way towards the prison where Fox was waiting outside for me.

"Commander Jayko, General Kenobi told us you would be coming. You may look around the crime scene but I'm afraid there's not much to see" the clone painted in red armour greeted blandly.

"Thank you" I gave him a nod before looking around at the area. "If I was going to break someone out of prison as a clone I would probably walk right in the front doors." I started my thought process, knowing nobody would question a clone entering the prison. "I would take the prisoner out by orders of the Jedi or the senate then once we were outside we would break free and escape before they could even know to look for us. I would hide Aurra sing somewhere while I went out and acted like a normal day" I finished with a lightbulb going off inside my head. "Commander Fox, who was escorting Aurra sing out of the prison?"

"Stone was escorting her to the senate building, claimed he was ambushed on the way" Fox replied.

"Thanks for your help!" I called, running off to find more information.

"Commander Jayko, I was just on my way out" Kix said as I reached him just before he closed his door in the med bay.

"I need your help with something" I rushed out, quickly.

"What can I help you with?"

"Stone, was he in here last night between the hours of 1900 and 2200, two days ago?"

"No, I don't think so, but I was just getting back from a mission so it was pretty chaotic here" Kix shrugged, confused as to why I was asking about this.

"Could you check the patient log for me?"

"Yes, sir" he nodded back into the med bay to open up the log and shake his head. "Stone wasn't here, sorry"

"Thanks for the help!" I called back to him, already running off again to find my Master this time.

"Lyra, have you found anything?" Kenobi questioned as I raced into the barracks to find him beside Cody.

"Cody, I need a list of troopers who were missing between 1900 and 2200 two days ago" I got straight to the point, ignoring my Masters question.

"Stone was out to escorts Aurra sing to the senate building and he returned yesterday morning after getting checked out by the medics after his accident" the other Commander answered.

"Now why would a trooper be escorting someone out of prison that late at night?" I pointed the question to the pair in front of me. "Stone was the last one seen with Aurra sing before she went missing and he was in the med bay after the accident, but I just checked in with Kix and Stone wasn't in the med bay at all in the last week." I continued. "There was also no proof of an actually accident other than the blaster marks on the car which could have easily been done by a clone trooper with a DC-15A blaster rifle"

"Where do we find him?" Kenobi looked to Cody for answers.

"If he was in fear of getting caught he would probably be hiding in the lower levels" Cody suggested.

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