Chapter 65

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"General Grievous, I see you came to do what your droids couldn't" I commented as I stood ready to battle the droid General on his own ship.

I had been sent on a rescue mission to save Senator Organa who had been trapped in the crossfire of the war on his way from Alderaan to Coruscant, but while he escaped I stood against Grievous, giving the Senator enough time.

"And what couldn't my droids do?"

"Capture me of course" with that he clashed his sabers against mine as I reacted quickly. I had pushed him back with the force while he was caught off guard.

"I see you have been taught well child, but you cannot defeat me" he cackled with a cough. The large metal droid stood before me, ready to attack again.

"Let's see, shall we?" He swung towards me, but I bounced back each time and fought valiantly against him. He was pressing his sabers onto mine causing me to fall to my knees when he called in his droids and they electrocuted me in a flash of pain. "Ah!" I helped out before falling unconscious in front of the evil droid.


"Excuse me, Master Jedi" Bail Organa had interrupted a meeting over hologram.

"Yes Senator, what is the matter?" Obi Wan replied first, seeing the clear worry on the mans face.

"General Jayko was captured during her rescue mission to save me. Grievous is holding her hostage on board his ship. I do not know if she is still alive" the Senator sighed in regret.

"We have to go after her" Anakin declared.

"You and Kenobi take Captain Rex and a squad of men to find her" Master Plo instructed to them. The team geared up and got onto their shuttle, everyone anxious to save their friend.

"What's the plan?" Obi Wan turned to Anakin who seemed to have something brewing inside his head.

"It's simple, we dock onto Grievous ship, run in, find Lyra and get out" the Jedi shrugged in response.

"No offence, sir, but that doesn't seem simple" Rex commented from his seat.

"Do you want to save her or not?" Anakin snapped back with a smirk.

"Yes, sir" Rex muttered knowing that Anakin knew more than he was letting on.

"Good, let's go"


"Oh would you stop that!" I snapped at one of the droids as he poked me with a stick again. The next time I was poked though I was also electrocuted and hanging weakly from my restraints. "Where are you Master?" I worried in a hushed voice. I closed my eyes and gritted through the pain that shocked my body. "Okay that's it!" I shot my eyes open impatiently, jolting to get the droid, but not being able to move freely in the restraints that held me in place.

"I see you are making friends" Grievous laughed evilly upon entering my cell.

"What do you want?" I growled deeply, looking up at him through my brows.

"I want you to lead Kenobi to me"


"I'm afraid you are too late, their ship is docking now" he stated as a droid showed him a screen that was beeping.

"No" I hung my head low again. He left the cell and I sat there, continuing to be tortured. Blasts sounded out, but my vision started fading, pain taking over my body and mind losing focus.

"Rex, get Lyra, we'll hold them off!" Anakin ordered his Captain while they held place outside of the cell.

"I'm going after Grievous" Obi Wan stated, chasing after the menace who scurried down the hallway.

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