Chapter 15

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"Master, they are back!" I pointed to the gunships returning to pick us up.

"Did you just sit here and relax while we were gone?" Anakin joked with Obi Wan.

"Well we conversed a bit as well" my Master told him with a smirk. Anakin laughed before pulling Kenobi to his feet and throwing his arm over his shoulders to help my master walk back to the ships.

"Rex, come help Lyra here!" Anakin called over to his Captain.

"Yes, sir!" Rex rushed over to me and helped me up the same way Anakin helped his former master.

"Thanks" I smiled to the clone as we made our way to the group by the awaiting gunship.

"Of course" he told me with a small nod, helmet covering the smile on his lips.

"So, Master, what was your total?" Ahsoka questioned with enthusiasm as we all limped over.

"Not now, Ahsoka." He told her.

"Come on! Are you afraid you lost this time?" She taunted.

"Fine. Fifty-five, that's my count. And you?" He replied.

"Sixty. Looks like I won." She told him proudly. I smiled at her win and walked up to her with Rex's help.

"Yeah, but I called in the air strike. Tie!" her master countered.

"You're impossible!"the young girl laughed, shaking her head.

"Good job, Ahsoka" I told her with pride, understanding that she needed some light in the darkness of the war.

"Heal up, we'll need you later if we are going to take town all of these tinnies" she cheered.

"I'll never understand how you can simplify these battles into some kind of game." Obi Wan told Anakin as he looked to me beside Rex.

"Well, take care of yourselves. I expect to see both of you back here by the time I've destroyed the main factory." Anakin told us all on the gunship as I was sat down and Obi Wan held onto Ki Adi Mundi for balance.

"We shall do our best." Mundi promised. "Sixty-five, Skywalker." He said as an after thought.

"I'm sorry?" Anakin looked to the master with confusion written on his face.

"My total. Sixty-five." He elaborated. "So what do I win?"

"My everlasting respect, Master Mundi."

"Oh." I laughed lightly at Mundi's blank response.

"That is a gift Anakin rarely bestows, I assure you." Kenobi said. The doors closed off our contact with the others before the ship rattled, flying towards the base we had set up in the planet.


"What's this? I didn't expect to find you up and about." Obi Wan approached Mastser Mundi and I as we looked out of the window in the base.

"After enough time in a bacta tank, one longs for the mundane comfort of star charts." Mundi told my master, speaking for the both of us as we turned to face him with smiles.

"It seems like it did you some good. Your wound looks almost healed." Kenobi looked to where I had a small bandage over my forehead.

"I wish I could say the same for most of my men." The two men looked out at the remains of the base that Skywalker and Unduli had taken down with the help of their Padawans.

"Well, let's make sure we don't have to take Geonosis a third time. Poggle's forces seem to have come from the northern hemisphere." Obi Wan started to explain the current situation.

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