Chapter 07

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I was filing some reports from the outpost check ins when I needed Rex to sign off on the report of Rishi outpost. Starting through the base to find him I walked towards the 501st barracks to see if I could find him or find out where he was but instead I was met by the entire 501st and their captain running towards me in a rush.

"Captain Rex, can you—?"

"Commander, get down!" He tackled me to the ground, catching me off guard. I groaned at the impact before flinching at the sound of an explosion. Rex quickly moved back so that he wasn't on top of me and I sat up to send him a look for answers, but was met with an awkward shrug. Standing up himself he had offered me a hand, but I also got up on my own and dusted myself off.

"Did the 501st barracks just explode?" Kenobi joined us all, crossing his arms as he faced Rex and I for answers.

"Captain, care to explain?" I sent him a look to which he glared back at his brothers, still scrambling to get up and look professional in front of the Jedi.

"Hold on, Obi Wan" Anakin strut over casually to save his men. "They ran into a weapons problem inside the barracks, I'll deal with it" he waved off Obi Wan who left with a sigh, not wanting to deal with this anyway.

"I don't want to know" I waved Rex off as he was about to speak. "Just sign here, please" I held out the data pad that had been dropped from my hand. He signed it and gave it back before watching as I walked away. His men laughing away behind him at the whole incident.

"Are you alright, my Padawan?" Kenobi asked as I joined him in walking away from the 501st.

"Yes, Master, thanks to Captain Rex"

"He's a good man" he agreed with me. "We have another mission soon, I suggest you get ready" I nodded back at him before rushing to put away the data pad and prepare for the mission ahead.


"Master Kenobi has just landed on the separatist cruiser" I reported, walking into the bridge to stand beside Rex.

"Good" he nodded, looking down at me briefly before looking ahead again as I made no motion to look anywhere but the battle ahead in space.

"Let's try not to blow up the ship before they get off this time" Ahsoka stepped up beside Rex and I. We stood in the bridge of the ship, watching as we shot at the separatist ship where our masters were currently on board.

"Lyra, Dooku managed to escape. We're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements. Follow us in what ships you can round up." Obi Wan called back through comms for backup.

"We'll get there as soon as we can." I promised my Master. He flys away in his ship with Anakin as I go back to work. "We need to go give them reinforcements!" I called out while walking towards the hanger.

"Coming!" Ahsoka chased after me as we hopped onto a gunship and gathered together some clones from the 212th and 501st.

"We are landing now!" The pilot shouted back to us.

"Great!" I called out to let him know my thanks for the heads up. As soon as the gunship landed on the planet below we all rushed over to find a cave that was blocked with rocks.

"Where are they commander?" A clone questioned from behind as I closed my eyes and felt their presence in the force.

"Behind those rocks, in the cave" I tell the team. "Set up some explosives to get them out" I ordered, the men following my instructions. Soon the rocks were blown up and the light flooded into the once dark cave that had been holding our Masters inside.

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