Chapter 91

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"Take cover! Take cover!" Cody shouted out the orders to his men, fighting against the droid army on a bridge.

"Look out! Look out!"

"Look out!"

"Aim for their eyes!"

A shot had fired out of a cannon, a bomb headed straight towards Cody, but Kenobi jumped in just in time to cut it in half and protect the Commander, dust surrounding us all. I had calmly walked up behind them, working my way through the clones to get to the front lines.

"Generals!" Cody cheered in shock at the sight of us arriving to the battle.

"Always making a grand entrance." I laughed at my former master.

"You know me, Lyra" Kenobi joked back. More shots were fired towards us quickly as I pulled out my two lightsabers to deflect them back.

"Just like old times, master!" I called over the blaster fire.

"Cody, get down!" Kenobi instructed as we worked to deflect blasts from the men. Kenobi and I moved to take cover with them quickly as we were outgunned. "Well, I can see things are going splendidly on this front." He commented to his commander.

"It's no good. We can't locate the tactical droid. He's staying out of sight." Cody explained the situation as another blast hit us, shaking the ground.

"Anakin, where are you?" Obi Wan asked himself in a quiet voice.

"I'm right here." Anakin walked up to us from behind calmly. "What are you doing down there?" He swiftly dodged an incoming shot by tilting his head to the side.

"We are taking cover. Now get down!" Kenobi ordered strictly to the reckless General of the 501st.

"You're not serious. There's only a thousand droids down there, tops." Anakin walked out calmly towards the droid army.

"What are you up to?" Obi Wan asked sternly, peeking up as Anakin stood on the rubble that gave us cover.

"Where's Captain Rex?" I questioned next, noticing none of his men were in sight.

"We already finished our battle, so we decided to come help you with yours." Anakin shrugged with a smirk towards my question.

"You're overdoing it. Again!" Kenobi scolded.

"Master, I mean no disrespect." Anakin knelt to face us from his spot on the rubble. "If you want, I can hide here with you, and we can let the people in the city suffer longer."

"Now, Anakin, you know --" Obi Wan started.

"Or... we can do things my way and help them now." Anakin cut him off.

"All right. I know better than to try and stop you. What's your plan this time?" Obi Wan agreed with a reluctant sigh.

"Stay here." Anakin told us simply. "Oh and Lyra, don't worry, Rex will be here soon" he smirked with a quick wink before walking out towards the droids, stopping as all of the guns were aimed at him. "Hold your fire! Hold your fire." Anakin called out to them with his hands raised. "I have come to surrender." We peaked over the rubble.

"What?" I watched with confusion as he continued his speech.

"Your forces fought valiantly, and I must admit that we are overmatched by your superior firepower. I congratulate you, for I have fought in many battles on many planets"

"Let's hope his plan works" Obi Wan looked towards me before we focused on Anakin again.

"So, it is with these thoughts in mind that I gladly surrender myself to the mercy of the Separatist forces." Anakin finished his speech. "Now, Artoo!" Anakin called over to his droid as we noticed the Tactical droid had come out of hiding to listen to Anakin. Anakin pulled the droid forward with the force and cut him in half with his lightsaber. I looked up with a smile as I noticed the 501st flying out with jet packs, shooting down the army across from us.

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