Chapter 43

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"Incoming!" A trooper yelled out in warning. Two bombs suddenly went off around us again, warning us of the incoming battle. Guns fired as the Umbarians returned for round two.

"The Umbarans must have regrouped for a counterattack." I noted, getting ready to fight as Rex put his helmet back on.

"Everyone, we must hold this position!" Rex ordered his men as they all moved to take cover again. I stood in my position in front of them, deflecting incoming shots from hitting the clones while they shot back.

"You think General Krell still intends on taking the capital using this strategy?" Fives asked, knowing this was a terrible plan.

"I don't know. I'll get back to you on that if we survive this battle." Rex told him simply. "General, get down" the Captain sternly told me, a few blaster shots just nearly missing me.

"No captain, I need to protect you and your men" I protested with determination.

"Well, you can't do that if you are dead" he snapped back suddenly, Fives smirking under his helmet.

"He has a point, General" Fives backed him up with a serious honesty, letting us know he wasn't joking about this.

"And here I thought you were the reckless one" I smirked, jumping back with them. "So, what do you expect me to do from here?" I looked up at Rex as my back was pressed against the rubble and he shot forward at the oncoming enemy.

"I don't know, maybe use the force or something" he suggested, not really knowing what I could do, but wanting me out of the danger as much as possible.

"Great plan" I sarcastically told him.

"Be careful I think your Kenobi training is showing" he laughed as I used the force to lift rocks and throw them at the Umbarians.


The battle raged on and Krell was nowhere in sight. Men were dying around me in the darkness of Umbara. I deflected blaster shots from our men when I heard a loud roar come from overhead.

"Lyra, duck!" Rex called out as an Umbarian ship closed in on us, shooting protons on our men. I stood in the middle of the battlefield, dropping to the ground as the ship almost hit me.

"Thanks!" I called back with a thumbs up as I jumped back to my feet and dusted myself off before rushing into the fight again.

"Lyra? First name basis now?" Fives smirked at his captain.

"It just slipped out" Rex sighed in embarrassment that he was caught using my first name.

"We have got to move before those fighters come back." I ran back to take cover with the men, sliding in next to them, and ducking my head behind the rock wall they had been using for cover.

"Rex! Rex, over here!" Someone called out. A group of us all looked at each other before nodding and rushing forward.

"Jesse, take the right flank. Dogma, take the left flank." I ordered out while deflecting blasts.

"It'll be okay, buddy. This will ease the pain." Kix injected the wounded with something to help them heal as he was rested against a tree.

"The capital city's too fortified. We need your battalion to help us take it." I heard Obi Wan's voice through holocom.

"Resistance from the Umbarans has been greater than anticipated. We're holding our ground at the moment." Krell responded to my former master.

"We've gathered intel on an airbase to the west. It is re-supplying the capital's defenses." Kenobi was cut off by an incoming explosion that boomed throughout the area.

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