~ Chapter 16~

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Shoto: 15
Asami:  8

Asami pov

I let out a hot breath taking it slow during training.

"Again!" I closed my eyes. At least...I wanted to take it slow. But of course I wasn't allowed.

Getting back into position I went at the punching bag again. Four punches, two kicks, three punches, two kicks from the same leg, four punches, switch legs as I kick, change stance, do it again.  I went like this for half an hour.

"Stop." I paused right as I hit the bag making me close my eyes and drop my head.

"Too slow. Again!" I started from the top. "Stop!" This time I was able to stop before my feet made contact with the punching bag. Tou-san walked over to me glaring at me with his usual scowl.

"Hm... more control with your feet huh...?" He muttered more so to himself "For the rest of this week you're to work on hand to hand, don't use your feet. That's all for now, work on your flexibility for fifteen minutes then go take a bath. I have a meeting, tell Fuyumi have dinner without me." Then he left the training room

Once his steps faded I dropped to the floor panting heavily. With my rapid breathing and high temperature I had to increase the coldness around me to cool myself off, but in my exhausted state of mind I ended up giving myself frostbite which soon got followed by a burn. I flinched as soon as I felt it  getting rid of the ice. With another sigh I prepared to do my flexibility workout, and as soon as I was finished I took a very cold bath.

At present, I was drying my hair. I paused mid dry when my new phone caught my eyes. I got it for my eighth birthday since tou-san found it a hassle to keep using the driver or Fuyumi's phone to call me. I quickly grabbed my phone then dialed one of the very few numbers it has.

"Hello?" He picked up after three rings

"Nasuu!!" I yelled down the phone. From his yelling I could tell he was shocked.

"Mimi!?" I felt warmth at the new nickname he called me.

"Nasu-nii you meanie!!"

"Ehh?! Meanie? How-"

"You went to college and left me! I mean I'm happy you did, but you don't even call or come over to visit us anymore! We, mainly me, miss you!" I whined. Natsuo breathed a sigh chuckling slightly afterward.

"Ah...gomen Mimi. I didn't mean to not call or visit. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Mm! Good. I'll hold you to it!"

"How are things back home?"

"The same, but now Sho-nii got into U.A and Fuyu-nee is teaching adorable kids! Oh, I transferred classes and now get work that's actually challenging!" I ranted to him making him laugh.

"I missed a lot huh..." from his tone I could tell he was upset.

"It's okay you know. We understand. If I were you I'd probably never come back! Haha..."

"No Mimi, that's not, that's not why-"

"It's alright nii-chan...promise to have loads of fun but study too! No yelling at your homework either! And do it on time!!" I huffed knowing very well his habits when he has homework to do.

"Ahh now you sound like Fuyumi..." I giggled "How about...Saturday you hang out with me for the day? Shoto and Fuyumi have you all the time for themselves. I think it's time I get a day with you too."

"Yaasss!! This Saturday right?! Yay! I can't wait! I'm going to tell Fuyu-nee!! I'll text you what she says. Bye Nasu!!"

"Wait Asami-!" I didn't hear that though too excited to go tell Fuyumi. And because I had already hung up the phone.

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