~ Chapter 14 ~

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I did it!! I fixed Chapter 9!

Thank you to everyone that tried to help! And for that! I made sure to finish this chapter today and post it early.

I hope you enjoy!


Third pov

A new school year began with changes for Asami. Before her first year ended she was told that she was too advanced for her normal class and got transferred to another class with fourteen other kids, some of them were even in higher grades, but since she can keep up with them they left her there. Asami is now the youngest in her class at seven years old with the oldest being nine years old.

Along with the new school year came more training for Endeavour's masterpieces. Shoto, wanting to go to the top hero school, Yuuei, now trained in the early hours of the morning as well. Sometimes he even pulled all-nighters despite knowing that he will get into the school because his father recommended him. Asami, however, made the realization that her quirk wasn't fully mixed like she thought it was. 

In actuality, Asami had 74% fire and 26% ice as her quirk. Now she knew why ice stung her so much. Since ice melts and outs fire, her body reacts in a similar fashion and because her temperature is almost always high she gets frostbitten much easier. Not to mention the way her body reacts to the temperature around her. When it's hot she's cold when it's cold she's hot and when it's even, she remains hot. She has yet to figure out if that's a good thing or not. She secretly calls her quirk lukewarm. It came to her in the shower.

With more work on their hands, Asami found that she got to see Shoto less than she wished she could, with Natsuo already out of the house for college the first chance he got, she only had Fuyumi to rely on. However, that wasn't entirely true. Asami still met up with 'Yori' the man with scars. Rather, he met up with her. Every time she left school early he was at the park by the swings seeming to relax. 

Asami found it strange but didn't question it, why? Because she had a plan. This man is someone she should know, that much is obvious to her, but who he is, is not. So she devised a plan. He was secretive but he always gave her straightforward answers, no matter how harsh. So far she knows he absolutely hates heroes, or more specifically, the fake heroes. She didn't know what he meant by that but she was going to find out. That was not her only mission, her next mission was to spend as much time as she could with her distant brother.

Shoto barely ate with her and Fuyumi now, they barely saw him unless it was catching a glimpse of him training, or if Asami was ordered to train with him. His hatred for Enji was growing which worried them but it wasn't growing for the reasons they thought. It was growing because he saw one of Endeavour's training sessions with Asami. As she was seven 'already' he began to physically train her now. 

He claimed he held off because he had to focus on Shoto but now that Shoto was training himself he could fully focus on Asami. He 'held back' before only throwing her away from him and giving her hits every now and again, but not this time. This time, he fully went on the offence. Acting like she was a villain and throwing both flames and punches at his daughter. That day she had gotten so scared she built an ice glacier between them and ran off through the back by jumping over the fence. Not that she actually had to since one of Enji's flames made it turn to ashes.

She had run into an abandoned street she wasn't familiar with pausing then to act the age she truly is. Seven. She cried and cried, her unstable emotions increasing the frost already covering her arms and burning her with it but at that moment she didn't have any control. Luckily or by coincidence, Yori found her. He melted the frost on her arms and held her till she fell asleep. Natsuo found her later, by herself.

That was the day the two Todoroki boys hatred for their father increased and the day Yori vowed to add onto Endeavours suffering. For this reason, Enji was furious with Asami for running away from training. He threatened to pull her out of school if she did it again then proceeded to continue his brutal training. 

That is what upped Shoto's hatred for his father further.


"Shoto?" Fuyumi knocked on the teen's room before sliding the door open "Gomen, something came up in work, can you take my place to watch over Asami and her friends as they have a playdate?" She fidgeted as her youngest brother stared blankly back.

"Sure." Shoto stood to change his clothes.

"Arigatou!" and she ran off.

Sighing Shoto quickly changed then made his way downstairs where Asami waited excitedly for him.

"Hurry, Sho-niisan! We're going to be late!!" she huffed taking hold of his hand and pulling him to go faster. They left the Todoroki household walking down the street then taking a car. 

"Where are you all going to play?" Shoto glanced at the pink-haired girl beside him. Asami gained a glint in her eyes that made him want to leave the taxi and take her home instead.

"We're going paintball fighting!"

He should have followed through with his instincts.

"You're going...paintball fighting..?" 

"Do you even know what that is?" the Todoroki siblings stared at one another with blank looks across their faces

"Do you?" Shoto retaliated. 

"I was told by Kichirou that it's where people chose sides and whoever gets hit with paint first is out."

"Sounds violent."

"Sounds fun, and you're joining us!" Shoto sighed shaking his head as they left the car.

"Not like I have a choice. I'm not leaving you here." Asami grinned jumping and wrapping Shoto's hand in a hug.

"As if I was ever going to let you leave!" she giggled, giving him a closed eye smile.

Shoto watched as Asami run off to meet her friends greeting them excitedly as this was her first time going to play paintball fighting. Shoto hummed smiling ever so slightly at the sunshine that was within the Todoroki household. The only piece of sunshine in that household.

The only thing that brightens his day... his sunshine.

Or theirs... Because though he hadn't noticed, another had. He was in the area and he is always able to spot the only light in his life. He could see them. Both Todoroki's but his eyes were always on one.

Neither knew it but their minds were in sync. They both thought of the youngest Todoroki as a form of light. As the only source of light within that household. Though one was no longer near it, he knew it to be true. And both swore with their every being and their very soul, even on opposing grounds, that they would protect their source of light.

Their little sunshine.

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