{Special} Losing Game II

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Third pov

Endeavor's gut instinct was right, but he was too late. By the time he made it to the fight with All Might and All for One, the villain had already allowed them to escape. Bakugou although rescued was internally beating himself up.

"Todoroki." He called to his classmate right as the police was about to take him away. "Gomen." Iida, Midoriya, Kirishima Yaoyorozu froze in shock as the bi-colored haired teen stared confused.

"What for?"

"I couldn't bring her back..." he didn't have to say her name for Shoto to understand.


"She was there, she was with them. That Toga chick had gotten her out the hospital and-"

"I don't care about that! Is she okay? What did they do to her?!"

"She looks tired and sleep deprived, but she's fine. She's older, looks like a 13 years old. Her eyes changed colours and her hair has red in it." Shoto gasped he had seen that girl, kneeling next to the unconscious Dabi Before Compress used his quirk on them both. 

That was... that was Asami? And I...

"I let her go..." Shoto stumbled back from the shock freaking his friends out


"I saw her...and I didn't even know! How could I have..?" he knelt on the ground the shock  too much for me. "Why was she there...why didn't she run? She could have..."he was muttering to himself gripping his hair as tears escaped his eyes. 

"Because they saved her when we didn't." Shoto looked up at the remark Bakugou made.

"Whatever we didn't do for her they did it. That bastard with the scars made sure to rub it in my face." Bakugou glared. Shoto let out a shaky sigh. He knew what Dabi did that he didn't. And he hated it.

"Then I've failed her..." Bakugou clicked his tongue and grabbed Shoto by the collar as he forced him onto his feet.

"Then try again dammit! Are you so weak that you're going to let those villains win?! Do you give up on everything if you can't wrap your mind around it?! Hah!?"

"Shut up! What do you know?!"

"I know she scared dammit!! I know she's angry! And the one she needs right on is on his knees like a lil bitch!" Shoto eyes widened "You haven't lost her yet! So don't you dare be a fucking pussy and give up!!"

But he was wrong.  Bakugou was far from the truth.



"He...he saw me." Asami was curled up into herself, tears streaking down her face "He saw me and looked right passed me, as if I wasn't there." she whimpered Toga rubbed her back listening to the younger ones' cries.

"Are you sure he just didn't see you? We were fighting Bakugou after all?" Asami looked up making Toga frown.

"He looked right at me before he turned away to rescue Bakugou... I guess, he gave up on me too."

"Don't cry, you have me now! I won't give up on you! Toga aneki is here" Toga giggled pulling Asami into her hold. "If you want I'll cut him for you!"

"Mm, it's okay... I'll be okay..."Asami sighed appreciating the hug Toga offered her.

The blonde didn't notice but the shine in Asami's eyes had faded and as Dabi walked in calling out to the two girls, the moment Asami looked up at him he knew instantly the eyes of an enraged Todoroki.

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