~ Chpater 50~

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Shoto pov

"Yeah, we're running in the opposite direction of those guys."

"Thank goodness! Is Sami-chan okay!?" Midoriya asked from over the phone.

"Mm. She's okay." I nodded "We'll meet at the station." With that I hung up.

I placed the phone in my pocket releasing a sigh as I wrapped my other arm around the still shaking body of my imotou.

"Yokatta..." I held her closer, tighter "You're okay. I've got you..." in the midst of the crowd of panicking people- that I could care less about at the moment-, the one I cared about is finally in my hold again. After two insufferable days.

"Onii-chan..." she looked up at me tears in her eyes. It hurt seeing it "What took you so long?" I gently wiped away her tears kissing her forehead then pulling her back into a hug.

"Gomen'nasai... you did good. You did great staying strong for us. Sticking up for yourself. Protecting you and Bakugou." I kissed her hair recalling how they appeared.

Who was it...which one of the villains was it that she held such looks of hurt for? I shook my head. Worry about that some other time. She needs you now.

I was going to tell the others to meet up with Midoriya but all of our attention was taken by the large advertisement screen that was broadcasting the news. On it there stood All Might, but...he was small? Every single person around us began to whisper their fears and worries. All anyone saw was the beaten down version of the no.1 hero. 

It was shocking, even to me. I never expected him to look like this. It was so different compared to his usual buff form that was even bigger than the old man's. Still, All Might stood. He stood as tall as his weak form would allow him, even though something the villain spoke seemed to have rattled him. 

"All...Might..?" I looked down seeing Asami also gaping up at the screen. Before I could console  her the whispers around us turned to frightened cheers. I looked up seeing as far as I could that everyone in was cheering for the no.1 hero to keep standing to win. 

They exchanged blows which could be felt from all the way here causing the police to ask us to move along faster. We moved but no one's eyes really left the screen. Everything paused though as the helicopter broadcasting was blasted away from the second exchange between the two. The place quieted, no one moved. Everyone and everything seemed still as we all waited to see the outcome of such a hit. 

Then we saw it....All Might, holding up his arm in victory. Another second of stillness then chaos ensued. Everyone was cheering for his win and as he pointed at the screen back turned to us we heard a message.

"You're next."

"Midoriya!" I called when I spotted the green hair of my friend. Soon our two groups joined together.

Iida told me of the plan to let the police know we had Bakugou and Asami. I was okay with it, until the police wanted to separate us again. I was about ready to fit and use Endeavor as a backup plan when Asami tugged on my shirt.

"It's okay, I'm with Bakugou. And tou-san will be here when I'm coming out, you can wait with him." I huffed sighing before I pulled her back into my arms. 

"Here, take my phone. I'll probably have to return home so, use that until. I will have your phone instead," Nodding Asami took the phone and left with Bakugou.

"Did they really have to take her away from us again? Can we not wait outside the station with her?" Daiski frowned looking like he too wanted to run after the police group. I sighed.

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