~ Chapter 44~

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Asami pov

"Shoto!" I pointed ahead of us and a class B member laid on the ground. 

We went over to him and I helped Shoto place him on his back. My throat tickled and I began to cough

"Crap!" I turned seeing Bakugou holding back his coughs.

"The gas must be the work of a villain. I'm worried about the others but we've got to press on." Shoto motioned for me to walk in front of him.

"We'll go around the goal and head straight to camp. Ragdoll was at the halfway point so she could handle that area." He continued

"You ordering me around?!"

"Not the time!" I huffed "There's someone up ahead." I pointed and we all slowed down.

"Pretty. So pretty. No! This is work. So alluring. But no! Can't..."

"Tokoyami and..." I realized what Shoto was looking at and gasped "Shoji!" There was an arm laying on the ground before him.

Too big to be Tokoyami's. Must be Shoji then. I hope it was his extended one and not his main!

"Pretty flesh." The man stood "Gah! So enticing though..." the villain turned and a chill went down my spine. "Gotta do the job."

"Don't engage huh?" Bakugou grabbed my collar and pulled me back.

The villain opened his mouth and a ridiculous amount of teeth shot out in a weird formation.

"So many teeth, and drool!" I shivered jumping out of the way of the teeth. "Gah! Don't touch me!" I instinctively yelled.

Students of clas A and B! You are given permission to fight!!

"HA!" Bakugou laughed.

"You can't fight!" I yelled running over and creating an ice wall in front of us.


"You'll cause a fire Bakugou!" I huffed.

Two of the villains targets have been identified!! It's the student who's name is Kaachan! Kaachan needs to avoid battle and don't make any move alone!! And the other is Sami-chan? So the students Kaachan and Sami-chan! Refrain from battle and don't fight alone, Got it?!

"They're after you?!" We yelled at each other. "Crap!" We had to jump back where Shoto stomped the ground and made another ice wall as teeth burst through mine.

"Don't recklessly jump in! Didn't you hear?! They're after you! And Asami, do not leave my sight."

"But Kichirou!"

"No. He's with the others. I'm sure he's fine! For worse he's probably knocked out too which means no harm will come to him! Do not go off on your own!!"

"Ahh!! Yap yap! Inside our own damn heads too! What that shitty Deku go and do now?! First it's fight now it's don't fight?! C'mon!" Bakugou yelled with a pissed look on his face but I knew better. " Fuck it! I'll just do what I want!" He moved to run forward but stopped and jumped back as teeth shot at him.

"Be careful Bakugou!"

"I know dammit!!" Shoto and I enlarged the ice forcing the villain into the air.

"Tch. He's making great use of both his terrain and his quirk."

"Even though that jerk looks like a weakling!" I blanked.

"Bakugou, why are you standing like that?" He ignored me but at least he stood straight now.

I looked around. Teeth one way and gas the next we're trapped here. Bakugou can't use his quirk to fight it'll cause more problems if that too starts a fire. The same goes for Shoto and I we're limited to our ice. I can't shadow walk to Kichi in the event that he's in the gas and by a villain that endangers us both.

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