~ Chapter 24~

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Asami pov

"You're getting frostbite Sho-nii, heat up." I stated glancing up at him before looking back down at my homework.

"Hmm." He hummed getting out of his stance and heating up slightly. I paused writing when a question popped into my head.

"Nii-san..." he looked to me "will you use your fire side for the festival?" Instantly a glare came onto his face


"But what if it helps you win?"

"I can win with my own power!" He snapped "I will not use his flames to win that match! And I'll prove to him that his power isn't needed!" He yelled at the end and I shrunk back.

"Gomen, I won't ask again..." I looked back down to my homework continuing to read through the poem and answer questions.

"Asami..." I looked up "Gomen. I didn't mean to yell at you. I..." he sighed lowering himself to reach my height. I dropped my pencil and grabbed his left hand.

As usual it was warm. As usual he tensed when I touched his left hand. I held his hand tightly, then lifted it and placed a kiss on his knuckles.

"I know how you see it. I know how much you don't want to use it and I know you've ever only used it to even out my temperature. But like me, this quirk, no matter its origin, now belongs to you." I looked up at Shoto who was staring intensely at me.

"Our flames..." I lit my hand on fire while still holding his. "Belong to us. Maybe he gave it, but now, now it's ours. And try as he may he won't be able to control my flames." I pulled my hands away keeping them on fire "because they're hotter than his." I clenched my fist and my flames burst into a blue colour.

"Y,your fire is...blue!?" Shoto stared with the widest eyes he's ever looked at me with. I outted the flames smiling widely.

"Hai! Found out during training. When I only had five minutes to cool off I was trying to make my flames as hot as possible to get rid of the frost without sending my body into shock. That's when it happened. My flames turned blue!" I was giddy with excitement.

Why? Because now I have blue flames like Yori's too! I have normal red flames like Shoto and blue flames like Yori, two of my brother figures quirks! Natsuo and Fuyumi are my ice quirk, and though it hurts me they showed me how to use it a lot. Now I hope to make both Shoto and Yori proud when I have full control over my quirk. Flames and ice.

But first, Shoto. I hope what I told him today will get him thinking. He has a week left for the sports festival and all he's done, as usual is train his ice. If he ever decides to use his flames during the festival it would be wild and uncontrolled. Not to mention the sheer power of it. Like I said, our flames though given to us by tou-san is slightly hotter than his own. At least mine is, I haven't felt Shoto's own fully yet to know.

"Asami, don't tell that man about this okay? Let's keep this a secret between us." I nodded

"I will!"

"Good. Finish up your assignments." I nodded going back to working as Shoto stood up to train.


"Yori! Guess what, guess what!!" I bounced as I stood in front of him on the swing. Why he refuses to sit on an actual bench is beyond me.


"Show me your flames." I grinned as he raised an eyebrow at me titling his head.

"O...kay..." he lit his hand with a small blue flame "I don't see why you're so excited over- oi you'll get burnt don't..!" His voice died down and he stared.

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