~ Chapter 39 ~

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Third pov

"Right. Before we get on the bus I have an announcement to make." Aizawa called out to his class gaining his students attention. "We'll be joined by two special guests. I say guests but they're going to be joining this training with you. You've met one already however they've underwent some changes. Whatever questions you might have for them. Don't ask."

"Uh, sensei who are these two guests?" Iida asked "Also, I would like to point out that Todoroki-kun is not here as yet!!"

"I'm here." Shoto called out walking up to his class.

"Todoroki-kun! You were almost late!"

"That's our fault, gomen." The students blinked surprised to see a girl and boy step out from behind Shoto.

"Wait..." half the class stared

"Is that-"

"Oi! So you're alive huh bubblegum brat?!" Bakugou smirked "Ho? Couldn't wait to grow up and fight me huh?" In response to his words the boy frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He growled out not liking the ash blonde's tone.

"Bakugou! You missed me huh?" On the other hand the girl with bi coloured pink fading to red hair bounded up to the blonde smiling up at him "I heard you waited for me!"

"Ah?!! Like hell I did!! Who told you lies?!"

"Wait.. wait!! ASAMI!!!?" Mina and Hagakure yelled.

"Hai?" She turned to face the girls just to be glomped by them

"You're okay! Well, obviously things changed but who cares!! You're okay!!"

"Todoroki you traitor!! How could you keep her all to yourself and not tell us she was awake!" Uraraka cried in fake tears as she lightly hit the boy on his shoulders.

"I wanted her for myself." He turned away slightly playing along.

"How long have you been awake Asami-chan?" Yaomomo asked.

"Four days."

"Four-?! Then what are you doing here?!" Sero yelled

"Oi...you better not be pushing yourself." Bakugou gripped to the top of the girls head "Cause I'll kick your ass and send you right back if you are!!"

"Aww Bakubro that's so manly!"

"Shut the hell up shitty hair!!"

"Good to have you back Asami, kero. And what's your name too, kero?"

"Ah, Daiski Kichirou..." Kichirou was stupefied. How was Asami talking to the ash blonde like if his tone was normal? His tone was upsetting him.

"Welcome to our class. I see Bakugou is bothering you a bit. Please don't mind him, that's his usual tone. He cares for Asami in his own odd way, kero."

"Shut the hell up frog face!! Who said I cared?!"

"You did!" Sero Kaminari and Kirishima answered.

"Like hell I did!!"

"Get on the bus." Aizawa sighed

"Right! Everyone pair up and head onto the bus! Asami-chan, Daiski-kun, as you are the smaller ones please sit closer to the front and enter onto the bus first!!" Kichirou blinked

"Hai...?" Asami nodded taking Kichirou's hand and pulling him onto the bus. Once everyone was on the bus they head off.


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