~ Chapter 49~

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Asami pov

I coughed up the last of the weird sludge substance falling from the sky and landing on someone.

"Dammit...who the hell..?" The person under me coughed groaning in pain. I opened my eyes looking down at the person I landed on. Tears gathered in my eyes and my heart shattered.

So he really...he really was here. I held my breath not daring to move. My tears dripped onto his face and it sizzled upon contact. So that's why...that's why they said all those things. Because he was here. Was it true? Was everything they said true!? Open your eyes!

"Oi! Get over here!" Bakugou's yelling made my head snap up. He wasn't looking at me but at the man with his head covered in tubes.

"Ah, it seems you two arrived before the others." The strange man looked over at where I was. I think so at least since he had a device covering his face, but he was facing my direction. As he said the other villains all arrived.

"You've failed again huh, Shigaraki Tomura? But you absolutely cannot get discouraged. All you need to do is try again. I've brought you your comrades. And these kids too." I felt him stiffen under me. "Everything is for your sake." The secret villain boss finished his speech but since his attention wasn't on me...

"When are you going to open your eyes?" I muttered and he stilled under me, pretending to shallow his breathing as if he was still knocked out. "So it's true huh...? Everything they said?" Now his eyes shot open. Blue eyes that I once thought I could rely on staring up at me. "How could you...?" I whimpered ready to cry.

He went to say more but All Might arrived and the blow he exchanged with the boss villain blew me off of him. I let the wind carry me for a bit until I was grabbed by Bakugou who had been thrown back also. One hand held me and the other gripped onto the ground preventing us both from flying off more.

"Oi! You good?" I nodded blinking away my tears as fast as I could. Promptly another blast happened gaining our attention. Looking up I gaped in shock.

"A, All Might!!?" All Might was just sent flying by the villain boss. How strong is he, to send All Might flying!?

The villain turned in our direction.

"In any case, get out of here, Shigaraki Tomura." He lifted his hands red and black things started to cover his fingers before it shot out and stabbed Kurogiri. A second later his quirk activated and a portal appeared.

Apparently the other villains are seeing this for the first time too. Not my concern though. They weren't the ones I was studying at the moment. My eyes quickly found the blue eyes of my so called defender. The scorching feeling of betrayal burned through my system and I felt myself tear up again.

I knew I recognized his voice from the first time. But I wanted, I wanted to deny it. Why would he kidnap me? He has no reason to. But... if his comrades are right. Did those three years mean nothing to him!? Was it all really a lie!?

"Oi! Focus, they're coming!!" Bakugou yelled but he sounded slightly far from me with my mind reeling with the thoughts in my heads.

My body heated up and a sob left my lips despite my attempts to hold it in. Tears fell from my eyes unwillingly because- This is no time to be crying dammit!!

"You..." the air around me heated causing my hair to lift into the air "You liar!!" Steam began to come off my body. He took a step forward and that made me snap. "STAY AWAY FROM MEE!!!" I screamed and blue flames shot out all around me.


Third pov

Blue flames blasted from Asami heading right for the villains, or rather. Right for one person. Yori.

He reacted blasting his own blue flames where they collided. Through the flames he locked eyes with Asami again and for the second time since meeting her another emotion he had locked away resurfaced, bubbling within his stomach. He kept his stoic face. Not giving anything to the others away but his eyes. His eyes said everything.

He cursed All Might for interrupting and ruining everything. He didn't even get a chance to explain. He didn't get a chance to bring her on their side. And the others didn't help either. Saying all that nonsense about how he got close to her, continuously spouting shit that wasn't true despite his warning glares to shut the fuck up. And he most certainly cursed himself for being unable to deny it all.

I wasn't lying! I wasn't lying!! He wanted to say it out loud, to let her know that what the others said had nothing to do with him. But how could he?! When she couldn't hear him over the sound of explosions and flames. If she could just look at him once  she'd understand, but she was fighting the others and they had her attention. 

His jaw locked with how hard he was clenching it. Anything not to reveal himself. He knew better than to speak up at the moment, and he knew he couldn't stay.

"It seems you're compromised." Compress noted from behind him.

"Ah. So it seems." Dabi let out a sigh through his nose "If I keep fighting I'd burn through too fast, and the other's would be caught in the flames Ah...annoying." he came up with an excuse right on the spot. "Just do it." Not having to be told again Compress used his quirk and Dabi disappeared into a marble.

Until next time, Asami. Was his last thought.


Asami pov

"Duck!" I yelled at Bakugou and he ducked as I sent flames blasting over his head. I was livid.

He left without trying to justify himself!!

I spun shooting ice at Twice and ducking under the knife Toga swiped over my head. Using this advantage I slipped her off her feet then kicked her away and into Twice, knocking them both back before I released flames to keep them at bay.

A sense washed over me and I looked down. My shadow was...my shadow was moving!? My eyes widened at the realization of what that indicates. My head snapped up and I began to search for him.

Where?! Where is he!? My mind tingled


I spun around in time to see a wall break and an ice glacier form. All of us looked into the air. As something shot off the ice. Looking closer it wasn't a something but some persons!!

"COME!!!" Kirishima's voice screamed and held his hand out.

"ASAMI!!" From on top the ice Kichirou held his hand out.

Bakugou and I looked at one another and quickly nodded. We understand.  He powered up as I knelt down. The moment his first explosion went off and he was in the air was the moment a roar of black fire shot out in all directions around us. It gave Bakugou an extra boost into the air, not that he needed it  but at least he was in the air faster that way.

The smoke provided cover for us so as their attention were in the sky. I sunk into the ground. This time more used to it I reappeared by Kichirou quickly this time.

"Let's go." He grabbed onto my hand and we sunk into the ground again.


Ahh...betrayal at its finest. Don't worry there will be more!

Also! I've decided! I'm going to try out the AU with Dark Emperor Toya/Dabi. I just really like the idea. The moment this book finishes is the moment I'll start writing it. Or maybe I'll start after this chapter...meh.

Back on topic! How did you guys like this chapter? More emotional damage for Asami! with Kichirou as an extension. 


I can't wait reach the last chappy of this book!

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