~ Chapter 19~

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Asami pov

"Welcome back everyone, how was your break?" Keiko sensei greeted.


"My grandmother visited!"


"Tiring? What did you do to make your vacation so tiring?" Aoi asked eyebrows raised.


"Already?" I nodded

"Tou-san is starting me early." More like he started already. "But I guess it was exciting too, nii-san got into U.A!"

"That's so cool!"

"Is he the brother with the half white and half red hair?" Hanako asked her eyes shining.


"He looks so handsome!" Nobuko added with the other girls adding onto it as well.

"There's no way! Adorable maybe!" I was horrified. Seeing the look on my face made everyone laugh.

"You can't deny it Todoroki-chan! Your brother is handsome and you know it!" Naoki pointed out blushing as the other girls in class nodded along.

"You all keep your eyes off my nii-san! He's older than you all!"

"I'm ten." Nobuko stated as if that made anything better.

"Is that supposed to be better!?" I squeaked making everyone laugh again.

"To be honest your whole family consists of beautiful looking people, you included Asami." Aoi stated


"He's lying your not all that pretty." Kichirou chimed in making me huff before I smirked.

"So you think I'm pretty huh?"

"Hah!?" Once again everyone laughed.

"Alright, alright. Stop teasing Todoroki-chan." Keiko sensei chuckled.

"Hai..." we all settled turning to face her.

"Right! Roll call!" She began "...And Nawasaki Ayano."


"Right, that's everyone." Sensei placed the board down. "This semester we're going to start the days off differently." She hummed turning to write a bunch of physical activities on the board. "We're going to start each week with a physical activity."


"Hmhm. Thanks to Endeavor-san's sponsorship, we had enough money to properly fix the pool filtration system, fix what needed fixing and we even had a chance to become an elite school!" We clapped though I knew he did all this for the recognition. "However we chose to remain as we are, we dont need to be an elite school to have great pro heroes right?"


"Good. With that I also need to know what subjects to work with you all in. So, pop quiz!" Sensei grinned holding up booklets. "Don't worry, its not based on school work. Not yet anyway. Just answer as you see fit. Okay?"

"Hai!" Nodding back miss began handing out the papers.


"Alright. That's it for today. You all are dismissed. You know the rules, if you're staying don't destrub the other classes."

"Sensei it's not even break yet." Kenta pointed out.

"School is overing half day today. We're just to check where you left off and if you need to go over or we can move on. Hence the pop quiz. The others may take a bit more time but once students are finished class is dismissed. You all simply finished early."

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